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CCG Card of the Day

Make A Wish Redemption
Reviewed June 27, 2002
Rating: 2.88 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 2.63 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This card's interesting, 0.o it
allows you to throw 3 DBs back in to get 10 cards from your discard
pile into your life deck, you can bounce your opponent's DBs that
you have stolen but besides that you have to get rid of 3 DBs you
I can see this card working really well with
the Dende DBs because if you bounce DB 5, 3, and 7 then you get to
use their wonderful powers again and you get 10more cards in your
life deck. The thing is that to make this card consistent you have
to be runing all 7 DBs and that means you'll probably be shoting for
the the DB victory and using a card like this one would only be
pedaling backwards. All in all the card's pretty decent but it hurts
you a bit too much because when going for a DB victory 10 life cards
is not worth sacrificing 3 DBs. :-(
Rating 1.5
Tuff Enuff
Like I said before, to make this card
consistant you have to be shoting for the DB victory, in TE you
can't win by DB so..... this card's like not that great in this
format. You can still run all 7 DBs and try to gain 10 whole life
cards back but in an environment this fast that's so not worth it.
Rating 1

Raith |
Thursday : Make A Wish
An amazing card for retrieval decks saving 10 cards is a huge
benefit, and in addition, its not restricted, so u can have 3 of
them in your deck. with db decks too, it has some benefits, allowing
you to shuffle your dbs back into your decks to use their powers
again, or just to survive a few more turns, since u end up with at
least 13 more cards in your deck (3 are dbs).
This card is less useful in TE because you wont see db's as much.
Standard 4
TE 3.5
Goken |
I really like this card, it gives DB decks something
interesting and fun to strive toward. In fact, with this card, you
could play with a DB deck in a Tuff Enuff competition. Whether the
setup required will justify the power of the card remains to be seen
as we see what people can do with it... I expect some viable decks
will be built, but not too many.
Standard: 3
Tuff Enuff: 2.5
a Wish - IR Promo
Hm not a bad card at all. It does have a small requirement but
nothing hard to achieve. Control 3 dragon balls of the same set then
shuffle them back into each others respected decks and then you can
shuffle back 10 cards into your life deck. This can be pretty
helpful in decks that don't have much recycling like black or
orange. Its not that helpful in decks like namekian or saiyan since
one recycles like crazy while the other one doesn't care at all
about recycling. This card is only available in random dbz toys from
the newest series of toys. So it may be a little hard to get your
hands on 3 of these. But hey if you like playing dbs you should add
in 1 or 2 if you don't care for winning DB Victory. Adding back 10
or 20 cards can seriously make a difference in some games.
Rating 3.0
