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Image from dbzcardgame.com
the Master |
Number: 136 |
Type: --- None --- |
5 |
Energy attack doing 12 life cards
of damage. Costs 0 power stages to perform. |
Cell |
Perhaps those miserable humans
would appreciate a light show. |
Cell |
Rating: 3.06 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 2.90 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Cell lv.5
This big fat evil guy is the 3rd best level 5 out there.... for now >_^
and he's the only true villan out there too, cuz Vegeta has that good/bad guy
thing going on ~_n
In standard he's just one really, really big beat stick that makes your
opponent pay for not runing a lot of energy blocks. Currently the card doesn't
really do anything because it's a level 5 after all but with the release of
Cell Games we will be able to see level 5s in play dishing it out as if there
was no tomorrow >_^
Rating 2.25
Tuff Enuff
In TE is were u can currently reach the level 5 and be able to actually use
it but unless you focus your deck 100% to gaining anger as soon as you can, you
still won't get to use the level 5 as much. Just imagine your opponents face
when u say energy attack for 12 O_O
Rating 2.75 |
Hawk |
Cell Lv5, by far the most powerful lv5 in the game,
a energy doing 12 life cards, stronger than VTP, but again, when you
get there, you win. =/ This allows cell to be another one of the 4
to win by Highest Personality Victory. But getting there with cell
is tough, he's not at all the greatest personality for anger.
Regular 3/5
Tuff Enuff 4/5 - In TE, if you get here, that's awesome, but if
that power hits you're opponent, it's most likely game. |
I rate this card pretty much the same as Gohan
level 5. See my rating of that card. The differences are that Cell
doesn't have a weak level 1 to get him started off, but he does have
a level that gives him anger. He makes a pretty decent anger deck,
but not obviously better or worse than Gohan. Cell's Power is pretty
darn cool, maybe a bit better than Gohan, but he's not quite as
Standard: 2.5/5
Tuff Enuff: 2/5 |
Kaioshin17 |
Tuesday - Cell lv.5
Ahhhh.... at last, ultimate perfection! >_< I hate to say
it, but I love this level 5 as much as Gohan's. O_O But, of course,
doesn't everybody?
^_^ Cell can do 12 life cards with an energy attack.... costing
NO power stages! O_o Yes, u heard me right... absolutely NONE! U
still have to risk it being blocked, and u can't use it twice like u
can Gohan's physical (actually, Gohan's power has a better chance at
doing damage n_n)... but if it does work, it's fun to watch those
life cards turn to ashes. >_< My advice with this level 5 is
the same as with Gohan... a red deck is great... a Cell Saga Red
deck is better... and a Trunks Saga Black anger deck is AWESOME!!!
^0^ Have fun! n_~
Final Rating: 4.5 outta 5 |
