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Image from dbzcardgame.com
the All Powerful |
Number: 160 |
Type: --- None --- |
6 |
Physical attack doing +5 power
stages of damage and 5 life cards of damage. |
Goku |
I can go one step farther if I
wanted to. |
Cell |
Rating: 3.95 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 3.72 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Goku 5
This guy is nice and stong, I used to think Vegie was
better but after taking a close look at them I realized a rather scary and very
non-cool thing....
Goku level 5 is better than Vegie 5 ><
This guy is currently the best level 5 out there cuz when
it comes do dishing out damage he will at least hit your opponent for 5 life.
The "+" damag is really good but if you hit your opponent while
they're at full they can just play a hidden power level and there goes thast
huge "+" attack u just used on them, Goku's power will at least deal
them 5 life cards. He might be the best level 5 out there but he still doesn't
deserve a 5 cuz his power is not that amazing and he's not cool like Vegie so
there ;-p
Rating 4
Tuff Enuff
*stares at Goku's power stages* wow this guy can dish out
amazing amounts of damage if your opponent is at 0 and he's like a lot sronger
than Vegite too. He's also a really good level 5 cuz his lower personality
levels work so well w/ anger decks, but in the TE environment u want to be able
to deal all sorts of damage so I say go w/ Piccolo level 5 instead >_^
Rating 4.25 |
Hawk |
Goku 5 is the hardest to find,
and most saught after Ultra Rare in the game so far. It is nicely
powered, with a nice power level. The only problem is it's rarity,
as goku being the best anger personality in the game, and his lv5
being UR, it makes it harder to acheive that victory. although i,
myself, still do tend to run goku anger (1-4) because not many
people run through lv5, cause they're not worried about anger.
Anyway, Goku 5, the hardest to get Lv5 ur (ya ya, vegeta 5 too) Is
really strong, and should get a good rating today.
Regular - 4/5 (rarity drawback)
TuffEnuff 3/5 (you'll get there, but not as great apower as cell
lv5) |
Kaioshin17 |
Wednesday - Goku lv.5
Bah, what do I have to say about this one?...
it's not much better than A18 level 4. >.< However, u can use
Goku's power to it's full effect without having to have another card
in play, but why couldn't his power be better on a level 5?! Yeah,
it's great doing +5 power stages and 5 life cards... O_o... okay,
it's really great... but I wish that they would've done something
better for Goku... I mean, he has more potential than that! O_O...
>_< I wouldn't really waste my time putting Goku in a red
deck... save that for someone else.... >_<
Final Rating: 4 outta 5 |

Tongtharadol |
This level 5 is perhaps one of
the best, especially with all the great Goku named cards out there.
Nice stages to deal out damage, and a power that can be dangerous
alone or more so with other modifiers. Now...if only it wasn't an
Ultra Rare :) In Tuff Enuff, if you can get here(and stay here!),
it'll be over quick. With his power, overkills are very likely...the
only problem is getting to level 5.
Standard: 3.7
Tuff Enuff: 3.9
Aik Tongtharadol |
