Kaioshin17 |
Friday - Chi-Chi lv.3
Well, if for nothing else, I like
this card because it finally makes Chichi playable as an MP! ^_^ And
who wouldn't love to play as Chichi?... I mean, with her wonderful
personality and charm... O_o, okay, I know... I'm lying. ^_^ But she
can kick butt, and her level 3 is especially dangerous to those
annoying non-combat decks. >_< I hate those things. >.<
Everytime u go into combat, u can remove ALL of ur opponent's
non-combats in play... ALL of them! O_O The only thing that isn't
that great about Chichi is her low power levels... but, what can u
expect from someone who actually DOESN'T fight all the time?! O_~
Chichi can go great in any deck, but I suggest a deck that will let
her get up to level 3 quickly... once ur there, watch ur opponent
squirm. >_<
Final Rating: 3.5 outta 5
Kaioshin17 |