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Image from dbzcardgame.com
Elbow Drop |
Number: 143 |
Type: Physical Combat |
5 |
Physical attack doing 1 life card
of damage. If successful, and the top card of your
opponent's discard pile is not a physical attack, your
opponent discards the top 5 cards from his Life Deck. |
Piccolo |
Nothing can stop me now! |
Cell |
Rating: 1.56 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 1.67 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Blue Elbow Drop CS 143
This card is an average card. There are 2
major problems though, which can either be considered offensive
bonuses, or defensive bonuses (if you're on the receiving end of the
attack). #1, the attack is mega weak. One life card of damage is not
much. The 5 cards your opponent discards from the if successful
effect aren't damage, only discards, so blue cradle drill and Frieza
is Ready won't work against it (once cradle drill gets
But the randomness is crummy. After the 1 life
card of damage, you get to see if the card you trashed is a physical
attack or not, then the +5 is assessed. It is an OK card, but i'd
rather use something like Blue Right Cross or Blue Energy flight
that does a guaranteed 6 life cards of damage if they hit.
Rating: 1.75/5

A Score Guy |
Monday - Blue Elbow Drop, CS 143, Rare
This card is rather interesting... I've sat down way too many times and tought about it, then the pain
kicks in and I have to stop. For some reason trying to think usually brings evil headaches ~_~;
This card has alwayz buged me cuz it's a physical that would usually deal 6 life cards if succesful and it
makes your opponent think twice about wasting their one Physical block on a card that might just deal 1
life card. The bad thing about the card is that it can only deal 1 life card. Play it against an energy
attack deck and watch them laugh at ya >< The card can be a big mind game but is not consistant.
Rating 1.5
Tuff Enuff
This card get a lil better here cuz there can't be TE w/o all those physical attacks going around, but this
card will never get ya an over kill and is still not very consistant and there are simply better cards out
there. I might even take a physical attack doing +1 over this card cuz that + can make a huge difference.
Rating 1.51 (when I said it got a lil better I meant it >_^) |

Cds |
This card is OKAY, but there are
tons that are better. There's no strategy involved with it. Hell,
you can't even steal dragonballs with it. I think I used 1 in a blue
deck once but it's a bit to plain. Stick using Blue Right Cross.
Standard - 1.5/5
Tuff Enuff - 2/5 |

Tongtharadol |
Physical attack doing 1 life
card, and if successful potentially 5 more damage...not too bad, but
not great. This card is better in Sealed or Booster Draft formats
because of the mostly random cards placed in decks.
In constructed and Tuff Enuff, the environment
isn't always overloaded with physical attack decks which makes this
card's deck value go down. Not to mention the additional discards
are if successful. It's got a nice twist, but overall it won't find
much play.
Standard: 1.5
Tuff Enuff: 1.5 |
