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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Saiyan Flying Kick
Card Number: 60
Card Type: Physical Combat
Rareness: 3
Power: Saiyan Heritage only. Physical attack doing +5 power stages of damage. If successful, your opponent discards the top 2 cards from his Life Deck.
Character: Trunks
Quote: I hope this isn't a private part!
Saga: Cell
Standard Rating: 3.25 (based on 6 reviews)
Tuff Enuff: 3.49 (based on 4 reviews)

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.


Saiyan Flying Kick - CS 60

Here lies the same problem as Blue Elbow Drop. The "2 cards from the top of their life deck" is not damage. I don't see why they didn't just make it physical attack doing +5 stages and +2 life or whatever. It is still a really strong physical attack and it should be in every physically offensive saiyan deck. Not much more to say, just pretty much another beef saiyan physical attack.

Rating: 3/5

A Score Guy
Thursday - Saiyan Flying Kick, CS 60, Uncommon 

o.0 Write a review about a Saiyan Physical +5 huh? This should be fun ^_^


This Physical attack is a decent one but there are just a lot better ones out there. The extra 2 life discards is ok but this card is not Shattering Leap or Saiyan Destiny, I personally like the other Saiyan physical attacks from the Android Saga that allow you to pay life cards to deal extra damage but that's just player preference. I think the card's pretty average but is not a bad card.

Rating 2

Tuff Enuff

This card just becomes another physical attack doing +5 in this environment.... like I said before the if successful effect is ok but this card is nothing that amazing. I'm not saying it's a bad card, I'm just saying it's average. 0.o

Rating 1.75

Now here's one of the better Saiyan cards! This is almost a staple for all Saiyan Physical decks because of its extreme power. Not only does it do +5 stages, but they discard 2 cards if successful. I don't know the reasoning behind it, but it is still cool. Not much else to say other than if you're playing Saiyan Physical Beatdown, you better be running 3 of these.

Standard - 3/5
TE - 4/5

Aik Tongtharadol
Obviously, this is a staple in any Saiyan Physical deck. With the possibility of doing what amounts to 2 additional life cards as well as the +5 stages of damage, this card is very good. Saiyan Heritage limits the use of this card but even if you play a colorless beatdown with a Saiyan, you'll want to think of sticking this card in your deck. 

In Tuff Enuff, it may be a little more effective. On a side note, it's uncommon, so you shouldn't have a hard time finding some :)

Standard: 4.0
Tuff Enuff: 4.2

One of the best attacks the saiyan style has to offer. No more of this, discard a life card nonsense to do more damage, this is essentially a +5 stages and +2 life card attack, except that the 2 life cards arent considered damage, so they're not affected by cards like Freiza is Ready. Not to mention that its already a +5 attack, which is good in itself. This card definately is a great addition to a saiyan beatdown deck. It doesn't have any other cool secondary effects like anger or non-combat removal, but its a great card with no drawbacks, that gives saiyan beatdown a bit of a boost..

Standard: 4/5
Tuff Enuf: 4/5

Saiyan Flying Kick - Cell Saga - Uncommon

Rating 3.5

Saiyan got some more physical combat cards with modifiers in them. This is one of them. It is like Saiyan triple kick but has an extra effect. If its successful they discard the top 2 cards from their deck. Its a nice little extra effect to more damage. This card is better than triple kick but add both triple kick and flying kick.

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