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Image from dbzcardgame.com
Number: 151 |
Type: Physical Combat |
5 |
Physical attack doing +3 power
stages of damage. If you declare a Tokui-Waza, for every
life card of damage this attack deals, choose a card
from your discard pile and place it on the bottom of
your Life Deck. Remove from the game after use. |
Piccolo |
You've made another mistake. |
Cell |
Rating: 3.03 (based on
6 reviews)
Enuff: 3.03 (based on
5 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Namekian Fist Smash - CS 151
This card is neato. It works best with Cell,
because you can work your opponent down to zero stages with his
Level 1 HT power, then deliver the fist smash for base damage +3
more stages and recycle a bunch of cards of your choosing. It helps
to unclog discard piles full of non-combats or get back strong
attacks late game. It takes some good set up to make this card a
guaranteed game-winner. The 1 thing that really hits me in the face
w/ this card is that it is Removed after use, which means if it
doesn't hit, you dont' get a second chance. I wouldn't use this card
for the attacking ability either, mainly the recycling. Definetly
holds its own in TE, where recycling is so much more important.
Rating : 2.5/5
TE rating : 3.5/5

A Score Guy |
Friday - Namekian Fist Smash, CS 151, Rare
This card's kinda cool.... I mean I like the effect but
the Namekians are just too weak to get a good use out of it, even Cell is weak
on his level 1. >,<
The card has a lot of potential, if you're playing a
Namekian Physical beat down deck you better have 3 of it in your deck. I just
don't like the fact the the Nameks are too weak to be able to use this card to
its full potential. The can turn the game around in one combat and the low
power stages of the Nameks can be dealt with by using 3 Goku's Farewell....
oops did I just start talking about a Cell Games cards again?
What am I thinking? >_^
Rating 2
Tuff Enuff
*reminds himself to not start talking about Cell Games
cards* This card can do wonders in TE, when used at the right time it turns
into really good recovery and it allows you to manipulate your discard
pile. We all know how much Namekian loves doing that and with the boost they're
gona be geting there's just no limits to how much this card can do. I like it
but the fact that it makes you declare a Namekian TW is gona hurt its
rating ><
Rating 2.5 |

Cds |
Namekian Fist Smash is such a cruel
card. This card can deal massive damage, and at the same time
heal a huge amount of lifecards in the process...provided you have
the right situation. Every Namekian Physical Deck should play
this, but Namekian Physical is not very big right now because none
of the current Namekian personalities are very "strong".
Yes I know Cell's HT power but his maximum power stage is only
600,000. This card could get very deadly when the Celestial
Tournament set comes out.
Standard - 2.5/5
Tuff Enuff - 4/5 |

Tongtharadol |
Wow....just, wow. This card has
amazing potential, I've seen it swing numerous games. It's already a
+3 stage physical and it's Namekian so it can easily find a spot in
any Namekian deck. Then, reshuffling equal to the number of life
cards you do...pretty darn amazing. Even in Namekian Energy decks,
this card can find a home. Given that it's removed from game, and
the effect is basically "if successful", this card has a
high play value.
Standard: 4.2
Tuff Enuff: 4.5 |
Swordsman |
Namekian Fist Smash - Cell Saga - Rare
Rating 4.0
Ouch! Don't let this card be successful. Namekian is all about the
regeneration and this card his a power hit and regeneration all in
one. When it is successful for every life card you lose your
opponent shuffles back from his discard pile that many life cards
you discarded. If you're at 0 no blocks and they have Namekian
attack drill, android attack drills and krillins drills you'll be
paying a heavy cost while they gain the advantage from your cost.
This card can really help if you were attacked early and lost alot
of precious cards. Great mid-late game card.
Hawk |
Namekian Fist Smash, what a
compliment to Namekian decks. This card, at first seems weak, but
with a good namekian physcical deck, and a cells style or some AAD's
or Krillins drills, this attack can recycle mad cards, making me
believe it's one of the better namekian attacks, although i do
prefer the 6 life card physicals ;) hehe.
3/5 - regular play
4/5 - TE |
