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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

Piccolo's Fist Block



Reviewed May 7, 2002


Standard Rating: 3.87 (based on 3 reviews)
Tuff Enuff: 3.85 (based on 2 reviews)

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy
This card's a lot better than ppl think in the current environment because a lot of decks currently use a ton of Combat cards.


This is probably where this card will make a lot of players think twice about using so many Combat cards. Piccolo's Fist Block can still be stoped by the effects of trunks Energy Sphere but besides that your opponent won't have many wayz to deal with it. This card can win you games but I still wouldn't use it because it only works against so many decks, when you run into a fast beatdown deck and draw this card during Combat you'll know what I mean. 0_~

Rating 3

Tuff Enuff

I wouldn't use this card in Tuff Enuff unless something really weird happened, the card can stop 18's Stare Down, Namekian's Strike and even Halt but I still don't like it. The card's just not good enough for me to like it, then again I'm one of the weirdest deck builders out there ^_< *looks at K* but there are some deck builders that just pshych me out ;-p

Rating 2.7

Sorry I missed the review for Monday everyone, but Im back and playing with Black (Style Mastery) Oh no, I just pulled a King Kai and made a corny joke!! ><!!
Anyways today's card is Piccolo's Fist Block. This card is a SUPER Trunks Energy Sphere. TES is in all of my decks, I dont know that many people that DONT play the card!! And that only stops A Combat card..what if you could use it to stop ALL of your opponet's combat cards!! They cant stop PFB with TES because after PFB no more combats from an opponet. Oh they were really wanting to use a TiaWT. Too bad, a CPH, nope, hey dont forget the cards we all also usually play, SMOKESCRENE!! Thats a combat. Today I think this card is so awesome that it gets a 5 out of 5, for BOTH ways of playing, Standard and TE. TE energy decks like Orange dont have much stuff to block physicals, and sometimes rely on Smokescrene, not no more. ^_^ And if you play Piccolo, say hello to the ability to play four in a deck!!
My rating for PFB in Standard - 5 out of 5!!
My rating for PFB in TE - 5 out of 5 baby!!!
Trunks The Swordsman Piccolos Fist Block - Promo

1 of 3 cards that can make your opponent not use anything besides non-combat cards and MP powers. This is a nice card in cosmic backlash decks and against those decks that use a crap load of combat cards + foreboding evidence. This card combined with krillins solar flare and red shielded strike can really be powerful especially with cosmic backlash. How to defend when you cant use any physical combats, energy combats and combats? Blue mastery (CS) is your only savior for that position.

Rating 3.6

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