~tK |
Sorry I missed the review for Monday
everyone, but Im back and playing with Black (Style Mastery) Oh
no, I just pulled a King Kai and made a corny joke!! ><!!
Anyways today's card is Piccolo's Fist
Block. This card is a SUPER Trunks Energy Sphere. TES is in all of
my decks, I dont know that many people that DONT play the card!!
And that only stops A Combat card..what if you could use it to
stop ALL of your opponet's combat cards!! They cant stop PFB with
TES because after PFB no more combats from an opponet. Oh they
were really wanting to use a TiaWT. Too bad, a CPH, nope, hey dont
forget the cards we all also usually play, SMOKESCRENE!! Thats a
combat. Today I think this card is so awesome that it gets a 5 out
of 5, for BOTH ways of playing, Standard and TE. TE energy decks
like Orange dont have much stuff to block physicals, and sometimes
rely on Smokescrene, not no more. ^_^ And if you play Piccolo, say
hello to the ability to play four in a deck!!
My rating for PFB in Standard - 5 out
of 5!!
My rating for PFB in TE - 5 out of 5