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CCG Card of the Day

Cell's Self Destruct Promo
Reviewed May 6, 2002
Rating: 1.25 (based on
2 reviews)
Enuff: 1.35 (based on
2 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
*shivers* The pic on this card is
just... just... not very yummy >,< makes me wana hide under my
bed and just cover my eyes, it's almost as scary as.... A-19
If you're actually usin this card then you have
some serious thinking to do cuz this card is not that great and it can
cost u the game. There are just better cards to use... and they have
better pics too ~_0
Rating 1
Tuff Enuff
This si where the card gains a small purpose,
late game u can get an over kill but if u get it before then u bette
not even think about playing this waste of ink, art and tought... I
just don't like this card that much, it hurtz me to think about using
more than
just 1. >><<
Rating 1.00000000001 (where's that negative
scale I've been asking pojo for?)

Tongtharadol |
I suppose this card is kind of
cool...it is an energy attack for 12. The real question is, "Is
it worth the risk?" and the answer is a resounding
"No!". If you definetly know they can't stop it and
they'll die because of it, then that is the only time you would use
it. But what if you draw this and they choose not to stop it because
they have enough life cards? It's just another useless card in your
hand that you will discard when the time comes (or final physical
with it). Either way, there are plenty of alternative cards to use
instead of this one. This is only slightly better in Tuff Enuff
because there is that small possibility of an overkill.
Standard: 1.5
Tuff Enuff: 1.7
Aik Tongtharadol |
