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CCG Card of the Day
Blue Reversal Drill Saiyan Saga
Reviewed May 15, 2002
Rating: 3.13 (based on
3 reviews)
Enuff: 3.10 (based on
3 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
This Drill has been ignored for
ages, the Drill can provide you at least one extra attack per Combat
once you drop it and it makes your opponent think twice about playng
that Red Shatering Leap or using Cell HT lv 1's power. This card is
just soooooooo evil to Physical beatdown decks. >;~)
This is where the card's not so good but if
you're playing any sort of Blue beatdown deck you better have at least
one of this drill in your deck. Combine with the Blue Style
Mastery (CS) you start every combat w/ a block and a free Physical
attack, if you're usinf Android 18 (AS) it's just plain wrong. I like
how the card plays w/ your opponents head.... after all there's
nothing better than that. ^_~
Rating 2.6
Tuff Enuff
We all know how good Trunks Swiftly Moving is in
this environment, this card is a Swiftly Moving with the kicker. o.0
(if you don't know what that means don't worry, it's just a siwwy
Magig joke ^.^) Imagine your opponents face when you throw Guldo's
level one power back at them or when you win the game with their
own Cosmic Backlash. O_O
Rating 3.2
~tK |
Ah, today we have an awesome card from
Saiyan Saga. Blue Reversal Drill!
This card is awesome!! Its like a
Trunks Swiftly Moving, once every combat!! So you defend against
one of your opponet's physical attacks, and use it straight on
them again!! I love this card! I wish it was named so I could put
a few in all my decks, this is all I really have to say tho. I
like this card, almost every combat it will give you a physical
attack for you to use against your opponet.
My rating for BRD is 3.5/5, if this
card worked for all attacks itd be 0wnage.
In alot of games at a TE tourney, this
drill would be worthless, playing against energy focused decks
means not much physicals, so not much for you to give back with
this drill. Like I said, if this drill worked for all attacks, itd
be awesome..but sadly it doesnt..loses some power in TE.
My rating for BRD in TE is 2.5/5,
it lost a whole rank in this format.

Tongtharadol |
If I understand this correctly,
it's basically a Trunks Swiftly Moving that you can use once per
combat. Quite nice, and eventhough it's Blue it should find a
welcome home in most colorless decks because of it's potential. In
Tuff Enuff, this card could have a bit more impact since there are
some hefty attacks that are Tuff Enuff only.
Standard: 3.3
Tuff Enuff: 3.5
Aik Tongtharadol |
