5/17 F
A Hero's Heart is Strong (Trunks Saga #121)
heh heh... I can only imagine the Crew's faces
when they saw this card was picked for the COTD ^,^ This card is a
lot better than it appears to be and I do mean a lot better. o.0 No.
I haven't gone completely insane yet... I hope ~_0 just read what I
have to say first. ^_<
If used at the right time this card is a game
breaker against Namekian decks, just wait for the right moment and
if you time it right the game is yours. Granted the card can still
hurt you but you can build your deck around it so it won't hurt as
bad, you could even use it to set up your discarpile. ;-) The card
can also wreck a lot of those pesky ally decks because we all know
how much of a pain it is to beatdown your opponent early game just
to have him come back and beat ya thanks to a Hero's Way. >,<
Rating 3.7
Tuff Enuff
hmmm... the card alone is almost and auto win
against Namekian decks and it helps you deal with ally decks, what
else could you ask for? 0.o The card also works pretty well against
decks that don't rely in their discard pile because you can still
use it to set yourself up, you're about to use Time's a Warrior's
Tool and wana get it back soon with your Vegeta's Quickness Drill
this is the answer you're looking for. Try to run at least 2 in your
deck and see how it works for ya, pack 3 if you know the peeps in
your area like to use Namekian. >;~)
Rating 3.9