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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com
Kami Fades Frieza Saga
Reviewed May 20, 2002
Rating: 1.75 (based on
4 reviews)
Enuff: 1.00 (based on
4 reviews)
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
If this was the Frieza Saga I
would say this card's amazing, but now there are 3 sets of
Dragonballs and this card only affaects one of them. >,<
The card hurtz Dragonball decks but only if
they're using the Earth DBs, if they use the Namek or the Dende set
then u might as well hope you never draw this card because it won't
do anything for ya. The Earth DBs are the strongest set of
Dragonballs out there but there are just better cards to hurt those
Dragonball decks, this card was good back in the dayz but now no one
really uses it and there's a really good reson for that..... the
card's not that great anymore. >o<
Rating 1.5
Tuff Enuff
hmmmm... the card's made to stop dragonball
dekcs and those like those exist in Tuff Enuff, the card could still
get rid of your opponents Earth DBs but it's so not worth it.... it
just isn't.
Rating -1,000,000.2 ;-) [[Once again I will
ask for that negative rating scale 0.o pojosama is bound to give in
right? >;~) ]]
[Pojosama note ... C'mon IQ. That's
like asking for a grade of a "G" in school, when the
lowest grade is an "F". ;-) ] |
tK |
Ahh new week..uhmm old card..but new
review ^_^
Today's card is Kami Fades, the card
that ruins those Earth DB Victory deck..To be same you could play
Kami as your ally, but why waste the space in your deck?! Altho I
like the EDBs, DDBs are the safest way to go right now..for Earth
and Namek you have Guru/Kami Fades.
A unique card we had to day..havntt
seen it be played, but hey if you Know what your opponet is
playing, and its an EDB Victory deck, make it a sideboard
card..but in most cases you never know what theyre playing.
My rating for KF is 2/5.
This card really sucks in TE, wow
remove some EDBs from he game WOOOOOOO its not gonna stop them
from winning a DB victory because...You cant win by DB victory
>.<!! But it stops the powers of them, if your opponent is
playing them..but only slows them down a little..this card is a
waste in this format...
KF's Rating in TE is 1/5..

Cds |
Kami Fades, arguably the most used Fades card out
there. I never run one for local events, but sometimes I'll pack one
in for premier events. It really depends on how I feel my deck can
handle Dragonball decks. Since Focused attack can break through Blue
Mastery, that helps. And Power of the Dragon is such the beastly
card that it is, I'll probably never run Kami Fades again.
Dragonball isn't legal in Tuff Enuff, so no need to run one in that
Standard - 2/5
Tuff Enuff - 1/5

Valdez |
Kami fades was once a
powerhouse. This card was included in EVERY non-dragonball
deck back in the Frieza saga. The main reason being, the
best dragonball decks were impossible to beat unless a great
amount of luck was involved. As the sets progressed, new
Dragonball tech was created, as well as new, more powerful
strategies. As of now, Kami Fades is too focused to include
in a higher tier tournament deck. Every card must work
towards your strategy, or must be able to perform many defensive
functions. As you can see, Kami Fades is in no way a card
that can support a deck's offensive strategy, nor can it support
multirole defensive actions. So all in all, this card should
only see casual use, unless of course, your local metagame calls
for a Fades
Rating: 1.5/5
Tuff Enuff
Lets just say this,
anybody who includes a Kami Fades in their Tuff Enuff deck should
be banished and ostracized from the DBZ CCG Community.
Rating 1/5
