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CCG Card of the Day
Trunks Promo #14
Reviewed November 24, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Da Krillin |
Monday-Trunks level 1 HT Redemption
I hate this card!!! Considering the fact that my best deck is Orange
You'll find this card in Dball decks..becuz it makes it alot harder
for your
opponent to capture your Dragonballs..since the Energy attacks only
do 2
life cards -_-.. He's also pretty good in a Black, Orange, or Red
Beatdown deck..which are only really seen in TE..so 0_o..the rank is
about the same for each type of play..cuz they have the same plusses
and minuses..
S and TE: 3.0 |
JayManFu |
Trunks HT level 1 - This card can really
mess your opponent up if they are playing an energy deck and they
dont have any ay to get you off your level one. Also this card works
really well with a dragonball deck because your opponent cant steal
a Dragonball, even with krillin's heat seeking blasts. Although this
card is pretty hard to get it still sees some play. standard 3.5/5
TE - For TE, he just doesnt do what he is supposed to do. HE can be
AYTE??? making him less usefull. Although , TE is mainly physical
beatspeople dont really use trunks. 2/5
Chibi |
Trunks HT Lv.1
This card was half the reason for the creation of Stunned. His power
can shutdown any energy deck that's not prepared to face him.
Trunks, Android 18, and Roshi are the main DB deck MPs.
In Standard, mainly played in DB decks. Outside of that he's not
seen much anymore. 3.8/5
In Tuff Enuff, he won't stay at level 1 for very long, although his
levels 3 & 4 provide some backup if he gets AYTE'd or Aura Clashed.
3.0/5 |
SSJ Piccolo |
This is where Trunks shines. Especially in your good ol' Stasis
Dragonball decks. I shudder at the thought of facing these, as I
never have. But oh boy, I have heard some horror stories. Your
dragonballs can only be captured with the cancellation of Trunks'
power, other card effects, or a boosted KHSB. So, it's nearly
impossible to take away your DBs. With the help of COGD, once you
put a ball on the table, it will stay. This Trunks can also help
with some other decktypes, like disruption, but Dragonball is where
he shines.
Rating 4.8
Tuff Enuff
Trunks really loses some power here. In Tuff Enuff, energy can be
dominate, but physical is usually seen more.Besides, KHSB is usually
what energy decks rely on the most. So, if you are gonna make a Tuff
Enuff deck, I would exclude this HT from it.
Rating 2.7 |
Trunks |
Trunks HT - Lvl. 1
This is the best card for dragonball decks obviously. Cos energys
will only do 2 life cards and you cant steal a db with only 2 life
cards of damage so thats great. Only physical attacks cant get
through him. Even though stunned is his weakness when you combo a
deck of 43 cards (1-5, Mastery and sensei) you can get all the
dragonballs out faster than they can get stunned out. Plus you got
the all powerful caught off guard drill in your deck to make stunned
useless. This HT is still selling for 40 bucks or more which is
pretty nice. Hes not really good with anything else besides dbs cos
of his power but if you hate energy attacks, trunks is the one with
all the energy hate.
Rating 4.0
