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CCG Card of the Day
Pikkon Leg Catch
Toy Promo
Reviewed November 29, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Trunks |
Pikkons Leg Catch -
IR Promo
Stops a physical attack. Powers you to full. And shuffle the bottom
3 discarded cards back into your deck. Could this be any better
seriously? If you can find these in the toys youve got it made. Its
named so any deck can use them and its effects are great. Orange
energy decks have a new staple card for their decks as well. This is
a pretty versatile card that can be put into any deck really. Its
even great in tuff enuff as well. So if you can get a hold of these
toss them in your deck.
Rating 4.0 |
JayManFu |
Pikkon's leg catch- This card is a
pretty nice block,
cause not only does it stop a physical, but it also
lets you shuffle 3 cards back and power up to full,
whats not to like? This card can be added to any deck
and be good. The only style this card isnt the best
for is black. Black has a lot of good blocks already
and if add in some more then you might just put to
many in, but oh well, blocks are cool. Standard 3.5/5
TE- If you play this with namekian, you have 3 blocks
that can power you up to full, along with some other
cards that all power up to full. This card can really
help you from the physical beats that are in TE, I
think this card gets a lot better. 4.3/5 |
Chibi |
Pikkon's Leg Catch
Namekian Charging Stance used to be the only physical
block that could power you up to full. That only had
a secondary effect of lowering your opponent's anger 1
level. Pikkon's Leg Catch not only powers you up to
full, but you also get to shuffle the bottom 3 cards
of your discard pile into your Life Deck. This is a
great card for Cosmic Showdown, since you can't use
Allies. It's also good for any energy beatdown deck,
and can get you out of a Cell's Arena lock. The main
downside is the fact that it's very difficult to get.
(Of course, I have 9...hehe)
In Standard, this card should be considered when
playing any non-DB/Anger deck. Nearly all energy
decks should play this card, as long as they don't
rely on Allies a lot.
In Tuff Enuff, where beatdown is rampant, this card is
great. Imagine a Namekian deck with 9 physical blocks
that power them up to full, a Mastery that powers them
up to full, and 6 physical attacks that power up to
full. That's just mean.
In Cosmic Showdown, play it.
5.0/5 |
ssjpiccolo |
Pikkon's Leg Catch
First look at this card, you say "whoop-de-doo," its a physical
block. Late n the game, this can make a pretty big difference,
especially if you and your opponent are both under 10 life. You
block their attack and regen three, which is basically giving you
the oppurtunity to force your opponent to draw out. Especially good
with TS Namekian decks, but it goes well almost anywhere.
Tuff Enuff
This card gets better when you're playing Tuff Enuff. Physical can
get really annoying, especially when someone drops two Shattering
Leaps in one combat. This card will work wonders when you're low on
stages, and if you need to boost back up. Plus, you'll get back some
of those life cards you lost. This is sorta like Goku's Energy
absorption for Physical, but its alot better.
4.0 |
