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CCG Card of the Day
Hero's Drill World
Reviewed Nov. 6, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Has IQ disappeared from the DBZ Scene?
The world wants to know. |
Da Krillin |
Wednesday-Hero's Drill
Ooo 0_o..a WGS card...to bad I live in Hickville, U.S.A..and we
don't even
have WGS cards here yet..and I've yet to get a single one....
'Sensei Deck Only. All attacks performed against a Majin do +1 power
stage of damage. All successful attacks you perform remove the
bottom card of your opponent's life deck from the game, before
damage is dealt'
Juss to clear up a Rulings question that I know I'm going to see...
The 'All succ attacks you perform remove the bottom card of your
opps LD
from the game' effect happens even if your opponent isn't a Majin..
The DK likes this card ^0^. It adds an extra stage, if your opp is a
majin..and even if he isn't..it does another Life Card of
damage..but from
the bottom of the deck..and it's removed ^_^..you know it'll see
more play
in Tuff Enuff, since it's a card that inflicts extra damage..that'll
the best in TE..but of course it's nice to remove your opps annoying
getting cards (i.e. Goku's Dragon Ball Quest)
It isn't quite as good as it will be when Babidi saga comes out..cuz
aren't any Majins out yet except for Spopovitch..but thats why it's
Sensei Deck card ^_^
Standard: 1.9
Tuff Enuff: 4.1 |
~Hero's Drill~
Well...I didn't know what this card did going
into this review so I had to ask some help from a friend. So I'd
just like to thank him right here~_O
Anyways...this drill is awesome...if you can
use it. It is a sensei deck only card so in order to use it you'd
have to remove a card from your deck. And if you're playing D-Ball
or something that relies on certain cards, a sensei deck is too risk
to use. But for the most part this card is great. I mean remove a
card from the bottom of your opponents life deck?!?!? Talk about
anti Dragonball! Plus this works perfectly with a card to be
reviewed later in the week *lips sealed*
Normal Play 3
Tuff Enuff 2.5
JayManFu |
Hero's Drill: At first glance some
people might not
notice that this card has the ability to remove from
the game your opponents card at the bottom of there
life deck, which can kill a DB deck. Although it is
sensei deck only which isnt very good. This card may
see some play in standard. 3.2/5
As for TE, I can see this card getting a lot less
play. Even if your opponent is a Majin, it's only +1
power stage. 2.3/5 |
Chibi |
A lot of people think that this card
only works
against majins. When, in fact, it's only the +1 power
stages of damage that is specifically when facing a
majin. The thing that makes this drill worth playing
is the second part. After every successful physical
attack you may remove the bottom card of your
opponent's Life Deck from the game. (Before doing
damage) Being Sensei deck only makes this card less
playable, but it could serve some use.
In Standard, this card can single handedly beat a DB
deck. Unfortunately, you might lose a Black Water
Confusion Drill or a The Power of The Dragon when you
Sensei this in. It's a risk you'd have to take.
In Tuff Enuff, this is one of those cards you don't
play in Tuff Enuff. There's just not much use for it.
I'd give it a 1, but there's all those Saiyan Saga
cards. 1.4/5
