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CCG Card of the Day
Scan courtesy of deck-zone.com |
Saiyan Crush Word
Games Promo #8
Reviewed Oct. 3, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Saiyan Crush
Type: Physical Combat
Power: Physical Attack doing 1 powerstage of damage for each
Non-Combat card your opponent has in play. If your declared a
Tokui-Waza, this attack does 2 powerstages of damage for each
Non-Combat card your opponent has in play instead.
Either I'm finally going crazy or I've reviewed this card before.
:-/ Naybe it was for the official site but I don't know. To tell ya
the truth I don't even remeber what happened yesterday so.... and
now we return to today's Card of the Day.
Lets try to imagine this, you're going up against a Blue Dragonball
Stasis deck. Your opponent has a hella lot of Non-Combat cards in
play and only needs one more Dragonball to win, but he only has 8
Life cards left. You start Combat and play this attack as your
hoping to deal enough damage to steal one of your opponents
dragonball. Your opponent doesn't know what to do, it's a Physical
attack doing a lot of damage. Your opponent then stops, looks you
straight in the eyes... then he stops your attack with the Mastery,
ends Combat and during his turn plays his last Dragonball to win the
game. As you can see this attack can do a lot of damage but only
against certain decks. The bad thing about it is that it will never
hit your opponent when you face one fo those decks. >,<
Rating 2
Tuff Enuff
How to put this in simple terms?
Tuff Enuff = not many Non-Combat cards
Not many Non-Combat cards = this attack is tiny
This attack is tinny = ;_; <~~~ You.
Rating 1.3 |
Trunks |
Saiyan Crush - P8
Power: Physical Attack doing 1 power stage of damage for each
Non-Combat card your opponent has in play. If your declared a
Tokui-Waza, this attack does 2 power stages of damage for each
Non-Combat card your opponent has in play instead.
Ack this has to be the lamest saiyan card ever. Sure it can do alot
provided your opponent has like 4-9 non-combats out. But Saiyan is
about fast beatdown and not giving your opponent the chance to play
non-combat cards. Thats my own opinion anyway. But this card does 2
power stages each non-combat card if you declare Saiyan tokui-waza
so it if you're at 0 power stages it will still go through but other
than that this card sucks.
Rating 1.5
