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CCG Card of the Day
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Black Elbow Counter Android
Reviewed Sept. 9, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
WOW!!! This card is amazing, you
better not be planing to use 3 of them in your deck because they
will probably be restricted real soon, how could Score's Elite
R&D *rolls eyes* let a card this powerful go trough?
Ok, enough about that, this card is as good as
the Saiyan Saga moves ever where. Then again a Physical attack for 1
life card costing 3 power stages would actually help an ally deck.
0.o Guess even some of those really old cards were better than
this.... this... thing. All I can say is Yucky!! ;-p Rating 1
Tuff Enuff
I warned yall, don't say I didn't because I
warned every one of you. I said if I have to review another one of
those really bad cards I'm telling more stories but yall didn't take
me serious did yall? Well, here it is.... Have you ever taped
someone to their bed while they're asleep? O.O It's all sorts of fun
because you should see their faces when they open their eyes and
can't move or figured out what's going on. >;~) I'll just give
you a few pointers:
1) Alwayz deny everythig. ^,^
2) Once the tape starts coming off run as fast
as you can. 0.o
3) Run Faster <~~~ that tip can save your
life. ~_0
Rating 1
Organous |
Gee, the 3rd common we've seen so far in these previews.
This card does have 3 effects on it, but not even combined do
they make much. If you really want to be as offensive as you
possibly can without scringing on defense, you might want to put it
in. I can easily think of many other blocks you might want to
put in instead, though.
S: 0.9 TE: 1.1
Da Krillin |
Black Elbow Counter
Weirdness -_- thats all I'm going to say ^_^
Standard: This card stops a phys. attack, and in the process
lowers your opponents anger one, and their pwr stages by one ^_^.
Make yer opponent pay for those phys. attacks :p. The weird thing is
0_o it's a black card that LOWERS your opponents anger -_-' this is
(I think) the only black card that lowers your opponents anger (but
hey we dont know what might be in WGS)
Rating: 2.3
TE: This is just as good here. In Standard it helps lower your
opponents anger, thus prolonging their stride to MPPV. In this it
can lower your opponent 1 stage, maybe prevent them from performing
another NRG attack, or maybe just so that it can inflict a life card
Rating: 2.3
Trunks |
Black Elbow Counter - World Games
Stops a physical, lowers anger 1 and lose a power stage. Id have to
say this card isn't that bad. Black is always about beatdown. And
now we see a card that is making them lose stages like saiyan decks.
Hmmm interesting to see what other black cards come out. Anyway this
card is pretty good I prefer piccolos physical defense but id black
gives out more cards that make them lose power stages id toss these
in for good measure.
Rating 2.4
AlterEgo |
Friday - Black Elbow Counter
geez! i just felt like saying that for some
odd reason... i really dont know. im gonna sit in my corner...
anyway, Black Elbow Counter isnt that good of
a card. It works in a physical attack deck, but thats about it.
stops a physical attack. whupde doo! But wait! theres more! you
lower your opponents anger, AND he loses a power stage! tell me why
isnt this card an ultra rare!?
If you couldnt tell, i was using sarcasm, i
dont think this cards good. Its too plain, and not really worth
putting in your deck hen there are a lot better blocks out.
Standard & TE 1/5
Saiyanofice |
Black Elbow Counter:
This is definitly a card worth looking into for Black Style
Decks. With the ability to stop a physical attack plus lowering your
opponent a power stage and an anger level, this card is sure to see
play as soon as it is legal.
Standard ~ 3 Definitly should be put in black decks.
Tuff Enuff ~ 3.5 In Tuff Enuff you run into a lot of physical
beatdown decks, this stops their attack and strikes them back for a
little damage also.
~ Saiyanofice
