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CCG Card of the Day

Scan courtesy of deck-zone.com |
Quick Recovery Drill
Word Games Promo #6
Reviewed Sep. 27, 2002
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

A Score Guy |
Quick Recovery Drill (P6)
Power: Sensei Deck. When entering Combat, you may
remove the bottom card of your opponent's discard pile from the
game. If that card is a Freestyle card, gain 3 power stages.
heh heh... I remember working on this card,
the name of it so should have been "Eat This" but nooooooo. Darn you
Guess the card can work against Namekian decks
but I'll take a Hero's Heart is Strong over it. I'm guessing this
card was just made to prove the fact that not all the cards in the
World Games Saga are not that great... good job guys!! -_-;
Rating 2
Tuff Enuff
Sowwy if I'm not writing much about this card
but it's not that great and my poor lil finger still hurts from
yesterday. That'll teach me to play sports and try to exersice. 0.~
From now on no more Basket ball for me, back to Soccer and Volley
ball. ~.o
Rating 1.7 |
Da Krillin |
Friday - Quick Recovery Drill
The only bad WGS promo I've seen..
Standard: This card stinks...it HAS to be a freestyle card, and
tokui-waza decks dominate the tournaments. These decks dont have
many freestyle cards, and if they do, they can't afford to have them
removed from teh game, to gain a mediocre 3 power stages.
Rating: 0.8
Tuff Enuff: Maybe a little better here, cuz it's kinda all or
Rating: 1.0 |
Judge Rich of AK |
Friday: Quick Recovery Drill
This card is whack. I don't know why we are
reviewing this. Maybe in TE environment it would actually be
good, but I don't really see too many good applicable uses for
it. Maybe I just need more coffee.
Standard: 2/5
Tuff Enuff: 3.5/5 |
AlterEgo |
Friday - Quick Recovery Drill
Seriously. This card is great. When entering combat, you remove the
bottom card of your OPPONENTS discard pile, and if its a freestyle
card, you gain 3 power stages. Now, how good is that? This card
hurts decks which rely on their discard piles, or use cards like
Vegeta's Quickness Drill, or Namekian Style Mastery (TS). This card
will probably be seen in a lot of orange decks, or red decks (now
that red has a
lot of energy attacks) or even black decks. Heck, who WOULDN'T want
this card in their deck? The best part about this card, is that it
is basically equal in Tuff Enuff and in Standard, because this can
really screw DB decks up.
Standard and TE: 3/5 |
