5/1/03 - Thursday
Hercule’s Close Save – Babidi Saga
Rare – Card #100
Use when your opponent would win by the
Survival Victory. Shuffle the top 4 cards of your discard pile back
into your Life Deck. Using this card prevents the Survival Victory
but cannot be used in Tuff Enuff. Limit 1 per deck. Remove from the
game after use.
I haven’t seen this card get much play, and it
is probably because it isn’t that great of a card. It does have its
uses though; you just have to find them.
Anyone remember It’s Just Not Worth It! from
Frieza Saga? This is pretty much a card to cover the other victory
not mentioned, which is interesting. If you ask me, this is a weaker
Where There’s Life There’s Hope. Then again both isn’t a bad thing.
I can see this card having a home in those
suicide Dragon Ball decks. All they have to do is get all their DBs
at the bottom, and use the Earth DBs special drawing abilities and
get them all out at once. Close Save can save you a game if you ever
end up placing one like EDB 3 last. But, I’d still stick with Where
There’s Life There’s Hope first and foremost. The fact that it
activates on its own is a plus, and being a non-combat means it will
probably be in DBs decks mostly.
But Hercule’s Close Save’s weakness stems from
the fact it only protects one victory. What use is this card if you
are playing against a Goku Red Anger or a Roshi Earth Blue DB?
Exactly. Where There’s Life There’s Hope works all the time, this
one works only once. Also, even though Piccolo Namekian Energy is
the strongest archtype and it will win by survival, this card won’t
save you much. You will get 4 cards back, which won’t be usually the
ones you’d want. They probably won’t have endurance because they are
most likely ones you just discarded. That in mind, Namekian just
needs to hit another energy attack and game over.
Also keep in mind it is a non-combat that is
used near the end of a game, so if it comes out early, it will
probably be removed way to early.
Don’t get me wrong; this card isn’t bad. I
would just rather Where There’s Life There’s Hope and that’s it. Try
comboing it with Where There’s Life There’s Hope, and you might be
able to last quite a few turns more than you anticipated. This card
would be almost a staple in Tuff Enuff decks, but Score was smart
and disabled that ability.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5.0 (decent card, but not
good enough to be a staple because of how situational it is, works
in some decks though) Tuff Enuff: N/A (you can’t really use it… so
it gets a 0)