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CCG Card of the Day

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Majin Babadi
Babadi Saga
Reviewed Feb 27, 2003
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Da Krillin |
Wednesday - Majin Babidi
Yay! A new personality that is amazing with allies.. watch out
master roshi ^^. . he also has a MUCH higher power level then the old
turtle hermit.. so that may make a little worse.. or a little
better.. cuz if you're using an ally deck.. you kinda WANT to be at
0 so your allies can pummel your opponent. even though a power level
of 400,000 is still pretty low.. master roshi's 169 is much lower ^^
Standard: 3.9
tuff enuff: 3.9 |
Trunks |
Bleh stupid little troll. Anyway his power is simple. Use it, pull
out a majin ally and gain an anger. Not a great power but if you
wanna play majin ally you are gonna wanna use him. He has some
pretty decent stages which is a wonder all in its own as well. Hmm
theres nothing else really.
Rating 2.0
TrunksTheSwordsman |
AlterEgo |
Tuesday - Majin Babidi
I can really see a Majin Ally deck
being made out of Babidi, with cards like Majin Babidi's Ship, a
Babidi Ally Deck can really be powerful. The only bad thing, is
that there are only 2, maybe only 1 good Majin Ally. The only good
level 1 ally that Babidi can use is Majin Vegeta (and hes not even
that good). So if the Majin Allies weren't so crappy, then this
kind of deck would be a lot better.
Majin Babidi definitely has a lot of
possibilities, but there just needs to be more GOOD Majin allies...
i guess thats why his level 2 can capture an ally.
Score - 1.7/5 / TE: 1.5/5 |
Chibi |
Majin Babidi
Since, I'm not sure whether pojo wanted us to review just the level
1 or the whole set, I'll just go ahead and review the entire
personality set.
His level 1 and 2 are nice because they each raise you anger. The at
most, you could only have 5 of your own Majin Allies out at any
given time. Only 2 of them have attacks. So as you can see, a Majin
Ally deck would be all that great. They'll be there more to soak up
the damage than to deal it.
As far as his level 2 goes. That's just mean. Take their Ally and
make it your own, further powering up your level 3 power. The only
problem I see with this, is the fact that Babidi would be doing much
beatdown. That means your opponent would just not even stick out an
Ally until you got to level 3, because he wouldn't need them. This
is a fun personality, but until at least next set, it won't be
winning any regionals.
In Standard, you might be able to sneak some Anger victories,
however, there are just flat out better decks you can play at this
In Tuff Enuff, Hero, Cell Jr., and Android Ally decks are all better
than a Majin Ally deck. You could really mess with your opponent and
play a Dragon's Victory deck. Heh...they'll never see it coming.
Just watch out for those Are You Tuff Enuffs!!!
1.8/5 |
Bobby |
Majin Babidi
This lv 1 Personality Could be great for Majin Ally Decks. Search
Your Life Decks
For a Majin and play it in play at 3 Power Stages above 0.
Standard: 1/5
T/E: 1 |
