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CCG Card of the Day

Image from dbzcardgame.com |
The Truck
World Games
Reviewed Feb 5, 2003
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Jesse Zeller |
The Truck is just a watered down
version of Don't You Just Hate That. It is actually decent because
not many people play Gohan or Videl. But there are so many other
non-combat killers that are not non-combats themselves. Gohan
Meditates and Stupid Tricks! just to name a couple. Since West Kai
Sensei was errata'd, this card might see some more game play.
Standard - 3/5
Tuff Enuff - 1/5
-Jesse Zeller |
Da Krillin |
Wednesday - The Truck
This is a great card, w/ the CRDing of East Kai Sensei, this card
probably take it's place.. Remove 2 non-combats.. and only 1 if
Videl or gohan are in play.. Bah.. no one has a Videl deck :-p.. and
Gohan isn't very prominent either.. This is a great card :-D.. get
rid of those darn Dball fetchers and anger raisers in Standard, and
in TE get rid of those annoying Drills ^_^..
Standard and TE: 3.25 |
Bobby |
#118 The
This Card Can Disard 2 Non-Combat Cards. This Is Similar to Don't
You Just Hate That, But Instead of Removing it Discards. This Card
is Seen in play now because of the change in West Kai Sensei.
Standard: 2/5
T/E: 1.5/5 |
Chibi |
The Truck
This is a mini-Don't You Just Hate That. It doesn't remove the
Non-Combat cards, but it also isn't removed. With West Kai getting
nerfed, DYJHT and The Truck are the most efficient ways of getting
rid of Non-Combats. Although City in Turmoil is exceptional, it
doesn't allow you to use your own Non-Combat cards. Consider playing
this card in you Black or Namekian Decks.
In Standard, if you feel you don't have enough
Non-Combat removal and you're already playing DYJHT,
then this should be your choice.
In Tuff Enuff, not many Non-Combats can actually hurt
you, and you can always Are You Tuff Enuff!!! away the
Drills. The Truck is as needed.
1.8/5 |
Tim Batow |
The Truck is a okay card, but not really
useable. If you really want a
non-combat, non-combat removal, Don’t You Just Hate that is a better
choice, and even DYJHT doesn’t really deserve a slot in any
non-Dragonball deck. If Dragonball gets really big like it did
during Nationals time last year, then throwing The Truck into your
Dragonball deck to counter other Dball decks isn’t too bad of an
Idea. Because you have so many other non-combat removers (DYJHT,
DAFTW, Blue Betrayal/Orange Staredown), the opponent would have
trouble deciding what to name with their Caught off Guard Drill. The
also works in a Goku Lv.5 WG/Gokus Farewell/Surprise Hit deck, but
those aren’t really the slightest bit competitive anyway.
Standard 2.3/5
Tuff Enuff 1.8 /5 |
