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CCG Card of the Day
Frieza is Ready
Trunks Saga
Reviewed January 13, 2003
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Da Krillin |
Frieza is Ready:
This card = fun....
This card is VERY useful..it'll really keep your opponent from
dishin' out to much damage.. unless of course you have like..14
cards left :-s...
Standard: 2.5
TE: 4.0 |
JayManFu |
Frieza is Ready- This card has been h0ge since it came out in the
Trunks Sage. In the Trunks Sage there wasnt much that could get rid
of it cept for Don't you just hate that. Also, the fact that it is
"Use When
Needed" makes it even more powerful. When WG came out it looked like
there was finally an answer to the problem, West Kai Sensei. But now
that they errated it, FIR is back and is just as or maybe more
powerful then ever.
Standard 4.0/5
TE- Since more people play cards like AYTE??? they dont usually play
exclusive NON-COMBAT removal, making this card even stronger in TE,
also with the more physical beatdown base, having FIR on table
messes with your opponents mind.
TE- 4.5/5 |
Chibi |
Frieza is Ready
This card can stop your opponent dead in his tracks, if he's not
prepared for this card. When West Kai could remove Non-Combat cards,
FIR was one of it's main targets. FIR isn't removed from the game
after you use it, so if you use some regeneration in your deck, you
could possibly use this card several times in one game.
In Standard, great card. Any deck that plans on attacking will have
to worry about this card. On the other hand, DB decks don't care
about this card at all.
In Tuff Enuff, big attacks equal overkills. Big attacks also mean
increased usage for FIR.
4.8/5 |
Frieza is Ready
This card is super coolio. I mean, you get KHSB'd for 15 life, send
it back to them for 30. gg, its all over. This card will save you in
a pinch, and if you're getting beat down by some nasty physicals,
run Hercule the Puppet and you can use this if yer a hero.
Tuff Enuff
In TE, this card just gets better. Almost every deck relies on
beatdown in TE (minus those who play regen/stasis) so you will most
likely be able to scare the, with this card. You cna bring them down
to like, 1 life, then hit them with Good Advice for an OK. Once
again, gg
4.8 |
