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CCG Card of the Day

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Hercule the Puppet
World Games Saga
Reviewed January 22, 2003
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Trunks |
Hercule The Puppet - WGS
Hmmm i dunno about this card... he sucks right now without a 2 and 3
but heck when he gets those levels i personally think hes gonna be a
weee bit broken. Allowing him to use hero and villain cards is just
crazy O_o. If you can lock it to where you cant be clashed or jump
kicked you can pretty much own the game with all the different
villian and hero cards. Probably a good MP for backlash, Ally decks.
But nothing is for sure till we see his other levels. But for a
level 1 power thats pretty amazing. =/
Rating 3.9
TrunksTheSwordsman@pojo.com |
Hercule the
His Greatness' personality :P This card is a great ally, merely for
the fact that those hero's can run FiR and other super cool villains
only cards. In standard, its pretty good cause you can use those
Frieza's Featherlight Touches. But it can be hard to get down far
enough to really use the full potential if yer opponent is playing
anger or dball.
Better card here. You'll be getting beatdown of course, or using
energies. Anyone who tries to win by dragonball in TE is just plain
cooky. Thats right SOI, your TE deck is cooky. :P So if someone goes
all out Red/Black/Orange phyiscal, you can use FiR with Afroman in
4.4/5 |
Tim Batow |
Well, seeing as how this card cant be
played as a main personality, its
fairly worthless right now. Hes a pretty bad ally as his stages are
horrible, and his power is worthless unless you wanna base your deck
around it, which really isn’t a very good idea with so much Ally
removal out there. This guy has potential once his levels 2 and 3
are released though. The basis of playing card advantage characters
is to get your good cards out first, and when you have a set of both
Staredowns and Confrontations, chances are you’ll have one of them
when you need it, so you don’t really need to draw extra cards to
get a card advantage. Hercule can also play 4 Hercules Jump Kick
(which is alright in groups of four, but not very good as a lone
card) and use Black Quick Strike 2 times, as well as use COGD, FIR
and VTP. However, Hercule still cant use some of the best Villian
like Vegetas Jolting Slash and Foreboding Evidence.
Hercule seems like a decent character in Black if you threw in a few
allies. Too bad they had to make millions of worthless Celestial
fighters instead of giving him a level 2 and 3. Hercule would be a
fun, semi-competitive character to play, but when his levels 2 and 3
are released, chances are he’ll be obsolete. I cant really give a
rating to Hercule because he can only be used as a really bad ally
right now, but ill give a raiting assuming he was playable as a 1-3
Standard 3.5/5
Tuff Enuff 3/5
Thanks, Tim Batow |
gamersource |
Hercule The Puppet Lv 1
Well first off you can see he can use both hero cards, and Villain's
Only cards making him a Rogue personality...at least for his level
1. His power Levels are lacking but since he would only be used as
an ally right now until Babadi Saga is released it isn't that big of
a deal. In standard as an ally he isn't that bad but next to other
allies lacks in the department of beefy power stages and a card
power that can do damage.
For Tuff Enuff he could a little better because here you would want
to set up the combos a little more with allies and beatdown. Get a
good hand then get to a low enough power stage to let your allies
take over combat and watch their reaction as you use the Villains
only cards to Overkill them!
Standard 2.5/5
Tuff Enuff 3.5/5 |
