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CCG Card of the Day

mage from dbzcardgame.com |
Pikkon the Prized Fighter
World Games Saga
Reviewed July 11, 2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 1.94
Avg. TE: Rating 2.62
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low |
07/11/03 – Friday
Pikkon the Prized Fighter Level 5 – World Games
Ultra Rare - #161
Power: Focused energy attack doing 1 life card
of damage. If successful, remove the bottom 5 cards of your
opponent's Life Deck from the game.
Uh… who actually uses Pikkon??? I mean… good
Pikkon. How about Pikkon anger? Then again, an even better question,
who makes a deck that gets Pikkon to use this level?
My answer would be… no one seriously trying to
Pikkon is one of the shoddier characters, and
giving him a UR personality just wasn’t… well, I’d rather have a
Krillin Level 5.
Pikkon is plain not good. He has nothing to
help him anger up levels quickly. His powers are ok for some
beatdown, but there are a lot of other characters I’d take over him
any day.
His level 5 isn’t something I’d jump for joy
over. His power… well, it can do 6 life. But for a level 5? Um… how
about no? The removal is a really nice touch and can give Dragon
Ball decks a game over. But the question is… how will you get to
level 5 to use this power? Goku’s Farewell? Against Dragon Ball
decks? Right…
If you want to use this card, make a Pikkon
deck and put it in just so he has a level 5. He has some interesting
cards you can work with him, and also has Grand Kai’s Palace. Try
him out. He’s not terrible, but definitely not great.
Thus, if you want to get to some amazing power
by leveling in Tuff Enuff, go with some other great level 5 like
Trunks, Buu, SS3 Goku, or Cell. There are better choices out there.
Pikkon is not one of them. I mean… I’m trying to get rid of one of
his level 5s and no one wants this silly UR.
Standard: 1.7 out of 5.0 (used just as a level
5 to ward off 4 level anger decks; can defeat a DB deck in one blow)
Tuff Enuff: 1.2 out of 5.0 (not a level I’d want to try to hit)
Sealed: 1.0 out of 5.0 (won’t do you much of
anything, trust me on this) ~matthewlow |
Trunks |
Pikkon The Prized Fighter - WGS
Ack who picked this?? O_o Anyway, not that great of an ultra rare
really. Sure hes a level 5 and he kills off the bottom 5 cards of
their life deck if successful but you kinda want more out of an
ultra rare than just that. Its a nice power though. And it is worth
more than an eternal dragons quest that much I know. And if you
wanna play anger with pikkon youre gonna need this sadly. Thats
about all i can say for this card. Pikkon didnt make a huge impact
on the game.
Next weeks cards are looking interesting too. They all have a pic of
the "fat man" on all of them :D
Rating 2.0
TrunksTheSwordsman |

Da Krillin |
Friday - Pikkon, Prized Fighter
Ah, the UR level 5 pikkon. This is a pretty good card. His power is
focused energy, which is hard to stop, and it does a life card..
but, if the attack is succesful XD..your opponent removes the bottom
3 cards of his deck FROM THE GAME :).
Standard: 3.5
Tuff Enuff: 4.8
-J. Lackner (A.K.A. DaKrillin) |
Mantis Man |
Friday - Pikkon, the Prized Fighter
Well, most people don't like this power, but I do. I like the fact
that I
might be able to remove 6 very valuable cards from the bottom of
discard. Including DBs. The real problem here is, the only way you'd
get to use this in Standard is Goku's Farewell, and it's really not
worth it... and in TE there are level 5's WAY better than this.
Still, a level 5 is a level 5, and this one's ok.
Standard: 2/5 TE 2.5/5 |
Team Scrub |
Pikkon, the Prized Fighter
You look at his power, and think he's awesome. But if you give it
more thought, his other levels besides level one aren't that great.
And unless you plan to use Goku's Farewell, you have to go through
all those icky levels just to get to this baby. I myself have never
heard of a Pikkon Anger deck o.0 Personally, I would like to see
one. Perhaps one of my disciples will play one at worlds when we
take on IQ's crew *insert evil laugh*. Personally, I think Pikkon
should be used for his level 1, not his level 5. Pikkon is also
fairly easy to get because his sales top out at about $30 on ebay =/
gg Basically, his power is anti-ball. But there's better anti-ball
Standard Rating: 1
Tuff Enuff Rating: 2
Overall Scrubtastic Rating: Poor |
Mewfive |
Pikkon, the Prized Fighter
Sentimentality rules today. The first UR I pulled.
Anyway, this is the best Lv.5 from WGS, not that it means much. Both
Pikkon and Goku were totally shafted in that Saga, but that's
another rant for another day. Pikkon got the better of the two
powers, his can be used in just about any deck. This assumes you can
make it there, use Farewell, or just Clash/AYTE your way up there.
Anyway, it's an okay energy attack. 1 life card of damage? It's all
"What the heck?" until you see that if successful, you remove the
bottom 5 cards of your opponent's deck. Heh, fun. You can hurt Ball
decks severely with this card, assuming that you're ever able to use
it and also assuming that a DB gets removed. Another fun decktype to
hurt is Namekian WGS. If they've set up the bottom of their deck to
draw whatever they want, you can go in there and mess it up. Heck,
you can hurt Namekian in general if you declared Black Tokui-Waza
with this power and Sensei in 3 Black Face Smash. It doesn't have as
much effect against most other decks because there are better
energies, for one thing, and they also don't rely on setting up the
bottom of their deck. Whatever you remove with this power won't
matter horribly much to many of today's decktypes because it is on
the bottom of the deck, meaning they most likely would not have got
to use it, anyway.
Standard - 1.4/5. I'd only use it if you were
silly enough to play Pikkon, pulled this, and wanted to prevent the
Lv.4 win. There are some interesting Farewell possibilities, but
Pikkon's not an ideal Farewell MP. TE - 2.2/5. Becomes slightly
better only because you can use AYTE here and you may stand a slight
chance with Pikkon.
~Mewfive~ |
AJC468 |
Pikkon, The Prized Fighter:
This card is an Ultra Rare from the World Games Saga, and has a
pretty cool power. For an Ultra Rare the power is not to strong,
but it can be devastating against certain decks. This power can
cripple healing decks and dragon ball decks, and can annoy most
other decks. The problem, this is a level 5, and you will never get
there in time to mess a dragon ball deck up. There's always goku's
farewell, but I don't recomend it with a power this weak, plus db
decks will stop it anyway. This is mainly useful against healing
decks, and even then there are better choices. Another problem is
pikkon's lower levels jump back and forth between physical powers
and energy powers, which is not good for level gaining most of the
time. If only pikkon had energy powers for all of his levels, then
this card might see more use. At least his level 5 power is
focused, which is a small boost. He also gets points for a unqiue
power. ^_^ This doesn't mean you should use him because there are
better level 5's out there.
Standard: 2
TE: 3 |
