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CCG Card of the Day
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Orange Lifting Drill
Saiyan Saga
Reviewed July 16, 2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 3.5
Avg. TE: Rating: 2.97
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Jesse Zeller
Orange Lifting Drill –
This card is pretty much a staple in any Orange Style deck. It is a
free Drills Are For The Weak…every turn. Your opponent places a
Drill into play? Just discard it next turn. Very powerful indeed.
All I can say is, if you’re using an Orange deck, you best be using
this card. Provided you aren’t Orange anger or some strange deck
like that ;)
Standard – 4.0/5
Tuff Enuff – 2.5/5
Da Krillin
Wednesday - Orange Lifting Drill
I despise this drill >_>..(is a big fan of Orange Energy beat). I
despise it when used against me :p, wiping away all of your
opponents drill is pure evil >_>.. Good thing there are things liek
Orange Stare Down, etc., to get rid of it: :p..
It's quite a good card, and does a good job of screwing up lots of
decks :(
Standard: 2.0
Tuff Enuff: 2.3
Mantis Man
Wednesday - Orange Lifting Drill
This... card... rocks. O_O It kills your opponents drills... anytime
want, basically. Focusing Drill? Bam, kill it with this, then next
bam, kill the rest. Granted, it only discards them, making it
semi-useless (thank goodness for North Kai) against the new
Freestyle Mastery. But seeing as you can only run one in your deck
anyways, why not? There's too many opportunities for this to be a
game winner not to run it.
Standard: 4/5 TE: 4/5
--Mantis Man OvO
Orange Lifting Drill
Once per turn, discard all of an opponent's Drills. That is just
wrong. Any Orange deck could abuse this card. All Orange decktypes
have Drills they fear. Both energy and physical would want to
discard Blue Prevention Drill. Energy also hates Android 20's
Absorbing Drill. If you're crazy enough to play Orange DDB, you can
kill Black Water Confusion Drill or one of the two Teamwork Drills.
When playing against Freestyle, you'd have to deal with their
Mastery. Good thing North Kai was invented. Use it, declare, then
discard all the Drills. Fun stuff. And against other Orange decks,
which I'd hope are running Orange Focusing Drill, discard/remove
that with something like Orange Stare Down or Orange Destruction
Drill, then nuke the other Drills.
This card got new life with the
MBS Mastery's release. You can easily bring this and a Focusing out
first turn. Now you can discard Drills and there's another Drill the
opponent has to discard or remove first to get at Lifting. And once
they get rid of Focusing, just bring another Focusing out with the
Mastery. It will get annoying very fast.
Standard - 3.4/5. I like discarding Drills.
TE - 3/5. Players are not as reliant on Drills in TE, but still a
great card
to pack.
Orange Lifting Drill:
Another card with Yajirobe in the picture. This is a very useful
drill, second only to orange destruction drill. While this drill is
out your opponent will never be able to keep their drills out. Kinda
funny how a drill is major anti drill tech. Plus this card affects
all players in a multiplayer which is great but will make you lots
of enemies too :p. This is limit one per deck just like ODD, and is
a staple in most orange decks. Being a drill this can be easily
gotten rid of, but you can protect it for a while with orange
focusing drill. This is a very solid card.
Standard: 4
TE: 4
Team Scrub
Orange Lifting Drill
Errata: Treat this card as if it read, “Once per Combat, in place of
an attack, during your turn, discard all of your opponents’ Drills.
Limit 1 per deck.”
WOW, a drill that gets rid of drills. I take back everything I said
about Yajirobe except the fat jokes ~_O This is a nice card.
Although, there is that other orange drill that gets rid of drills
at the beginning of each turn, so you don't have to wait until
combat to use it. I don't have much to say about this card as I have
never used it, but I'm sure it would look real cool in foil ~_O
Once per Combat, in place of an attack, during your turn, discard
all of your opponents’ Drills. Limit 1 per deck.
Not a bad choice. This is actually one of the best Drills Orange has
to offer.
This drill allows Orange decks to control other drill decks;
effectively making Orange Drill a viable archtype. This allows you
sweep your opponent’s Drills, acting like a Drills Are For The Weak
every turn. Any Drill deck that doesn’t have Orange Focusing Drill,
Orange Destruction Drill, or Freestyle Mastery would cringe at the
thought of this drill, for it can ruin setup with just one use. The
annoying part is it is a Drill, so it sticks around. That and Orange
has Focusing Drill as a support card, which thus protects this drill
for multiple use. This drill, coupled with Orange Destruction Drill,
can effectively control the drill and other non-combats an opponent
Drills like Android 20’s Absorbing Drill are no longer a problem. If
Freestyle Mastery is around, North Kai and a quick Lifting Drill
resets matters. Orange Focusing Drill can be nailed with Destruction
Drill and then Lifting Drill gets rid of the rest of the lot. This
drill is often overlooked and is actually one of the strongest out
The only problem with this drill is it does absolutely nothing
against non-drill decks. Some decks pack no drills (very few), and
some only pack a couple, easily dispatched with Orange Stare Down.
With that in mind, some people skip this drill if they already have
enough drill hate in their deck in the form of regular non-combat
This drill has a nice home in Orange MBS since it can be recycled to
get an Orange Focusing Drill early or late if the old one gets
discarded. Here, it can’t go too wrong.
Standard: 3.4 out of 5.0 (powerful drill that turns games against
decks with a lot of drills; does nothing against others) Tuff Enuff:
2.1 out of 5.0 (a lot less Drills, a simple Are You Tuff Enuff???
works instead)
Sealed: 1.2 out 5.0 (there won’t be many Drills in sealed) ~matthewlow
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