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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Krillin's Overhead Smack

World Games Saga

Reviewed June 16, 2003

Avg. Standard Rating: 1.80
Avg. TE: Rating: 2.23


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
06/16/03 – Monday

Krillin’s Overhead Smack – World Games – R U Talking to Me Redemption Promo - #TR1 Physical Combat

Physical attack doing +2 power stages of damage.

If performed by a personality without “Puppet” in the title whose current power rating is below 300,000, this attack cannot be stopped. Remove from the game after use.

What an interesting card. I love it.

This card single handedly has people thinking about weaker characters like Majin Spopovich and Videl. Older versions of characters are being bust out just for this attack. This won’t do much damage on its own (2 base max, +2 modifier = a whopping 4 stages), so you’ll have to modify it to abuse it.

First start off with using a Mastery that benefits physicals… Red CS, Black TS, and Orange WGS come to mind. After that, run stuff like Evil Presence Drill to give it +10 and other random modifiers. This card will kill Defense Shields and pretty much everything in between, so you might as well bust it out first move.

The problem with the card is if your opponent doesn’t have blocks, it becomes a normal weak physical (like that’s a problem). The main problem is it still can be enduranced and Haulting Drilled. Making it Krillin Named… well, Krillin isn’t the character to physical a lot. Now he has two unstoppable attacks… bald guy… then again Krillin is one of my favorites, so that’s a good thing.

Used at the beginning of the game is also a great tactic. First move Overhead Smack = ouch, since you’ll usually be at full with your opponent at zero. With that, you can hit with a bunch of physicals, but with terrible base, you won’t do a ton.

To abuse this card, you need big modifiers. It only helps weaker characters use physicals, which is great in my opinion, but that’s not going to help much if their given base is so low.

Keep in mind King Kai can use this to its full effect.

This is a great fun card. I use it in my Chi-Chi… it owns when it denies an energy being thrown at you. I would consider this a staple in any physical beatdown deck with a weak character. The fact that it only works in decks like those hurts it severely.

Standard: 2.4 out of 5.0 (great card, but only works in certain decks) Tuff Enuff: 3.5 out of 5.0 (with Ball and anger out of the way, it can deny energies and stunt a lot of things... also not bad with AYTE and AM are played)

Sealed: N/A (it would work only if you pull the right weak character… doubt it)

Krillin's Overhead Smack - Redemption
TR1 - Promo
Power: Physical attack doing +2 power stages of damage.  If performed by a personality without "Puppet" in the title whose current power rating is below 300,000, this attack cannot be stopped.  Remove from the game after use.
Heh, it's a week full of Krillin named cards...gee, i wonder who chose this week's cards...hmm...
Anywhos, this is one of those nifty "R U Talking 2 Me Redemption?" cards...a redemption that I forgot to send in for...>_<
Yeah, it's a good card alright. Use this in an old-school personality deck with modifiers and Majin Buu's House and you could have a whole lotta fun...or, use it in a deck that revolves around cards that activate when you perform a successful physical attack.
Man, this would've been great to use back when they had the Underdog tourneys...oh well.
In some sort of oldschool Saiyan Saga Krillin Physical deck, this could work.
Let's see, you could use this in a Hercule deck...or, maybe even a Majin Spopovich deck?
This would go GREAT in my Raditz deck!!! ::cough::
Standard: 2/5...not a card for every deck. You'd almost hafta build your deck around it to make it work good.
TuffEnuff: 1/'d probably be better off just running something else here, because the low power levels can really kill ya in this format. :-/

Da Krillin

Monday - Krillin's Overhand Smack

YAY..a krillin card.. you should expect to see more to be reviews this week >_>...anyway..

This is a decent card.. Physical for +2 isn't that exciting .. but in a
deck using a weak personality (Roshi, Spopovich) it's amazing. Especially with spopovich. Use the Black Style Mastery from TS and inflict +6 stages of damage and +1 life card that are completely unstoppable. It could be good in any deck, if you know you will be facing a physical beatdown deck, because if you're at 0, it can't be stopped.

Standard: 1.0
Tuff Enuff: 2.5

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