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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Krillin's Flight

Majin Buu Saga

Reviewed June 18, 2003

Avg. Standard Rating: 2.30
Avg. TE: Rating  3.17


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
06/18/03 – Wednesday

Krillin’s Flight – Buu Saga

Common - #19


Power: Choose 2 level 1 Allies in your discard pile and place them into play at their highest power stage.

Anyone notice the typo on this card? They spelled Krillin’s name wrong under his headshot. Also… see who is the first to come up with the card in which Majin Dabura’s name is spelled wrong…

Anyway, this is generally the alternate version of Krillin Asks for Help. This card is in a sense better, but in a sense worse. Krillin named ally with Freestyle Mastery (Majin Buu Saga) can become extremely strong with this card, since you can generally get two allies out a turn if you play your cards right.

This card can be used by any character, which is nice, seeing that decks like Android 18 ally could use a card to get allies out from the discard and put at full. The down part is that they only can come from your discard, and they have to be level 1s. You can argue whether to take Unexpected Allies or Krillin’s Flight in this kind of situation; do you want a guaranteed ally or do you want a chance at getting two?

Krillin’s Flight has Flight in the name, so it can be used in the infamous “Goten’s Flying Drill” with “Flight Training.” I have yet to see if that deck is any good. There’s always Majin Buu’s Flight to that is similar to the nasty Tien’s Flight, so it can’t be too bad.

In ally decks that want to get allies out not via Z Warriors Gather but via Combat cards, Krillin’s Flight is a great choice. Combined with other searchers like The Power of the Dragon, Unexpected Allies, Gathering of Heroes, and, for their respective characters, Looking Good and Krillin Asks For Help, you can be set for your ally searching.

The only weak part is that it might become useless if no allies make it into your discard pile. It needs to be used in the late game to be of a lot of use. It is a Combat card, so it can be Sphered, but that is actually a good thing, seeing that a simple Krillin’s Concentration or Piccolo and Heroes Gather can get some allies out easily.

Standard: 2.4 out of 5.0 (nice ally retrieval, can help in the end game, bringing out two attacks, only gets out two while still being situational) Tuff Enuff: 2.9 out of 5.0 (losing allies to discard via Majin Vegeta is more present; allies a bit stronger here, while going to full helps against physical beatdown)

Sealed: 2.0 out of 5.0 (pulling allies is the key first; without them, this is nothing; with them, it is gold) ~matthewlow

Krillin's Flight - Majin Buu Saga

Kinda like unexpected allies but its not as good as it really. Pull 2 level 1 allies from the discard pile and put them to full. Its not to bad of a power its just that cells presence is rampant and your allies wont hit the discard pile really. They could from damage but not too often. It could be nice in a fusion deck though if you wanna try ally fusion vs Main personality fusion which is a safer bet. Nothing else to great about this card though. Id still run stuff like z warriors gather and unexpected allies over this one.

Rating 1.8


Da Krillin
Wednesday - Krillin's Flight

Like a said..anothe Krillin card :p..

Anyway, you know this will run in ally decks (obviously) and will probably be a staple in them (though it's not as good as Z Warrior's Gather). It's very helpful to retrieve your allies, but retrieving TWO is just plain great :p.

Standard: 1.5
Tuff Enuff: 2.6
Mewfive Krillin's Flight
Hmmm... Another Krillin Ally searching card. Too bad it only works with Lv.1s from the discard. But still, if your opponent decides to use The Plan, Red Lightning Slash, or just discard Allies from the deck, this card could come in handy. It would also work well with the CCPP2 Lv.1 Krillin. Ooooh... 2 Endurance on each of them. Fun stuff.I would run a couple of these, but not 4, unless you use the CCPP2 Lv.1. Not like 8 of your Lv.1 Allies will wind up discarded, unless your Ally deck is slow or gets bad hands. Two to three will do you good.
Standard - 3.5/5
TE - 4/5


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