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CCG Card of the Day

image from dbzcardgame.com |
Vegeta's Sacrifice
Majin Buu Saga
Reviewed June 23, 2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 1.2
Avg. TE: Rating 1.62
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Da Krillin |
Vegeta's Sacrifice
This is an interesting card...it can deliver massive damage, but
thats not
always important :p, ..if this attack fails to destroy your
opponent, you
lose the game. So if they are carrying a block, get endurance, or
have more than 15 cards ni their life deck, yer dead :p..
If you couple it with lots of modifiers (Orange Aura Drill, etc.,),
it will
have a much better chance of demolishing your opponent, though the
endurance thing could still screw you over :p...the fact that its
Majin vegeta/ Vegeta only weakens it, since Vegeta hasnt' had a good
personality, in a while..though Babidi majin Vegeta is alright
Standard: 1.0
Tuff Enuff: 1.9 (fun for over kills..like..say they have 1 card left
there deck, and you use this....yay!!) |
Mantis Man |
Monday- Vegeta's Sacrifice
Hmm... you know, Score's probably catching a lot of heat for this
one, but they have to make cards that are true to the game. This is
one of those cards. Energy for 15 life, and basically, you lose if
you didn't kill 'em with it. It's one of those cards I'd say would
be pretty good in a TE deck, as sort of an eject button before you
get overkilled, but otherwise, I don't much see the point.
Standard: 1.5 TE: 2 |
immortal |
Monday: Vegeta`s Sacrifice
Ugh...I absolutely hate this card. It`s basicly another Cell`s Self
Destruct...honestly, who wants to use it? This card is useless,
that`s all
there is to it.
Standard: .100001/5
TE: 1.1/5
Sealed: .[approx. 1 quintillion 0s]1 (that`s...well...very small :p) |
Proxy |
Vegeta's Sacrifice - Buu Saga
Uncommon - #111
Power: Vegeta and Majin Vegeta only.
Energy attack doing 15 life cards of damage. If performed against
a Majin, this is a focused attack. You lose the game in your
opponent's next "Attacker Attacks" phase.
Heh, this would go great in my
friend's sucide deck...
Anyways, I can definitly see this card
working in...erm...::tilts head:: Actually, I can't find any real
use for it. I'm just dead on the subject.
Maybe in a Vegeta energy deck, if you
need one last big hit...or, maybe in a deck with a lot of "your
opponent skips his next Attacker Attacks Phase" cards.
I really don't see anything, although
I'm sure Matthew Low will...:-p
A fun card by all means. Everyone
loves fun cards! Expect a week full of 'em.
Standard: 1/5...Ek. Maybe if it was
"if successful", but no.
Tuff Enuff: 2/5...Run this if you need
those last 15 life cards REAL bad or just wanna avoid an OverKill.
-InsanicChaosity (aka Proxy)
Mewfive |
Vegeta's Sacrifice
An energy attack for 15 cards. Sounds nice on the surface. But then
I look down and see that you lose in your next Attacker Attacks
phase. That line turns this into an all-or-nothing card. You win
with this attack, or you'll lose. Reminds me of Cell's Self Destruct
in that aspect.
This card has next to no use in Standard because there is no real
reason to make yourself lose the game. It might be good if you've
got some new player down to their last 10 cards, but even then, I'd
just rather attack with
Cell's Last Strike. If they have any Endurance left, that will screw
you. This card gains some use in TE, though. If you think you're
going to be
overkilled by an energy deck, you could drop this card, then block
opponent's next attack. Or against a physical deck, you could use a
Power Boost with it, and then block the next physical. Granted,
you'll lose, but it saves you from being overkilled, which saves you
from being booted from the tourney.
Standard - .5/5. Do you really need to lose by your own hand in this
format? TE - 1.4/5. Only useful to save you from being overkilled.
~Mewfive~ |
AJC468 |
Overhead Smack:
Looks like we are reviewing krillin cards all week since DK is
picking. Anyway, ever want to play physical beatdown with those MP's
with really lower PL's, well now you can, sort of. Let's face it,
who would want to stop KOS anyway. Without modifiers, this attack
will be dealing 2ps most of the time. And if your krillin you can
run four, um, yay. Also, last time I checked krillin is not one for
physical beatdown, and his PL gets above 300k making this card less
useful. But, it is another krillin card for your krillin CCPP2 lvl
1, and also another named card for WGS lvl 3. Other than that, this
card is below average. And it's RFTGAU, why? DK why didn't you pick
krillin's quick kicks, it's a much better card. Anyway, don't run
this unless you are playing a beatdown deck with mass modifiers to
make use of it's "can't be stopped if your PL is 300k or less"
effect. I don't expect to see this card being played much at all,
but DK may have fun with it. Not for the serious decks though.
Standard: 1.8 (um yay, it can't be stopped and it doesn't hurt
TE: 2 (physical beatdown is at least more popular here)
~AJC468~ |
