06/06/03 – Friday
Saiyan Style Mastery – Buu Saga
Rare - #146
Power: You cannot win by the Most Powerful
Personality Victory. All of your Saiyan Style attacks gain "Raise
your anger 1 level. Gain 3 power stages." During the Rejuvenation
Step, if you put any Saiyan Style cards back into your Life Deck,
raise your anger 2 levels and your Main Personality gains 4 power
This wasn’t the Mastery everyone thought it
was going to be. It is interesting, and can be used quite
The inability to win by anger allows many
people to put their level 5 into consideration about how good it
really is. This Mastery has pretty fast anger gain that can get up
to level 5, if only you work it right.
I can see this Mastery being played in those
decks that want to use some really good high level cards like Trunks
the Battler, Trunks the Powerful, and Goku, Super Saiyan 3. This
provides the quick way to get there, and with the help of cards like
Saiyan Destiny and Saiyan Headshot (which just got destroyed), it
shouldn’t be too hard.
Cards like Play Fighting shine with this
Mastery; the latter clause might actually be used pretty often. The
problem is the fact it is limit one per deck and thus won’t happen
very often.
With all the anti-anger around (Victorious
Drill, Cell’s Threatening Position, etc) it won’t be easy to get up
there quickly. Red probably will have a faster time unless Saiyan
gets some card advantage. Goku has some built in card advantage with
his power, and he’d be the best candidate to be used with this
Mastery. His CS and Buu Saga levels work the best.
North Kai has to watch it when he sees this
Mastery; the wrong turn off might be giving the victory away.
Remember that…
This Mastery isn’t bad and can be used quite
efficiently with the right character. Many of the Saiyans have quite
strong higher levels and will benefit a lot from this Mastery. Cell
also comes to mind. Broly as well.
Saiyan Energy might be somewhat useful with
the gain of stages. While there aren’t very many good ones out
there, the Broly Subset as well as some new Buu ones and a few old
ones can be quite useful.
This Mastery has a lot to see in the future
for sure. If used right, it can be extremely deadly with the quick
leveling, maybe once or twice a turn.
Standard: 3.5 out of 5.0 (no ability to win
with anger, but has amazing physical beatdown power)
Tuff Enuff: 3.5 out of 5.0 (you’ll level quick
with AYTE anyway, but getting to level 5 can be devastating)