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CCG Card of the Day

image from dbzcardgame.com |
Babidi Saga
Reviewed Mar 25, 2003
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Da Krillin |
Now this card really annoys me :p..I hate having it used on me ...my
opponent gets to make me not doing anything for a whole phase, and
they get to draw a card.. evil, isn't it? Though..if I were using it
I'd see it in a whole other light ;)
Standard: 3.0
Tuff Enuff: 2.8 |
Chibi |
There are a lot of new cards in Babidi Saga that allow you to draw
another card. Most of these are Majin only, however, this one is
not. It also isn't as powerful as the other ones. This one can only
played after a physical attack is successful, but the effect you get
isn't all that great.
In Standard, I wouldn't see anyone playing this card competively.
There are better cards to put into your deck. 1.3/5
In Tuff Enuff, you could combo this with a few attacks, but it'd
probably be better to just play a card that can perform an attack.
1.8/5 |
