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CCG Card of the Day

image from dbzcardgame.com |
Blue Devastation
Majin Buu Saga
Reviewed May 16, 2003
Avg. Standard Rating: 2.13
Avg. TE: Rating 2.53
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Jesse Zeller |
Blue Devastation is an interesting card.
Allowing for an attack, then a defense, and possibly even throwing
in some Non-Combat removal can spark a little something-something
between two decks. However, as the fact remains, a lot of people
will be playing Master Roshi Sensei when they get their hands on it.
My point? There are 9 better cards to fill up your Sensei slots with
than this card. Good luck next time.
Standard – 2/5
Tuff Enuff – 2/5
-Jesse |

Da Krillin |
Friday - Blue Devastation
I likez this card! It can be a physical attack doing +3 power stages
damage, and +2 life cards, or if your opponent declared a saiyan
tokui waza you can have it do +3 stages and stop your opponents next
attack (unless its focused >_<)
Standard: 2.5
Tuff ENuff: 2.6 |
Proxy |
Blue Devastation - Buu Saga
Uncommon - #50
Physical Combat-
Sensei Deck. Physical attack doing +3
power stages of damage. Empower 2. If you declared a Tokui-Waza
and your opponent declared a Saiyan Tokui-Waza, you may discard a
Non-Combat card in play and stops the next physical or energy
attack your opponent performs this Combat.
Hmmm...seems like an all around good
card, doesn't it? It might to some, at first glance...but really,
this card isn't all that great.
A Physical doing +3 stages isn't all
that good. Add the Empower 2, it's a little better, but still not
The Empower-Alternate effect
It's sensei deck, but it wouldn't be
wise to fill up valuable space there with this junk, in my
Overall, this card is below average in
my opinion...
Standard: 1.5/5...just not worth it,
in my opinion...unless you go up against a Saiyan deck, that is.
But, nowadays, that's not happening much.
Tuff Enuff: 3/5...Saiyan's a bit more
common here, and the extra block would definitely come in handy
Sealed: 4/5...With the Rainbow-TW
rule, this card is quite good in this format. If your opponent has
a noncombat in play, you can get rid of it and also stop their
next attack. Otherwise, deal those extra 2 life cards. Overall, a
great card in this format.
Mewfive |
Blue Devastation
Well, yet another Blue +3 physical. How many does this game need,
seriously, especially when Blue gets nothing to promote the use of
physical beatdown? Anyway, this card would make a good addition to
the Sensei deck if you are having trouble with Saiyan decks.
Discarding a Non-Combat and stopping an attack is always a good
thing. If this were an energy doing some decent damage, it would be
better, but those are the breaks.
Rating: 2.5/5
~Mewfive~ |
Low |
05/16/03 - Friday
Blue Devastation - Buu Saga
Uncommon - #50
Physical Combat
Sensei Deck. Physical attack doing +3 power stages of damage.
Empower 2. If you declared a Tokui-Waza and your opponent declared a
Saiyan Tokui-Waza, you may discard a Non-Combat in play and stops
the next physical or energy attack your opponent performs this
Hmm... how about no...
This card is different, but I don't believe it will see serious
play. The attack itself is quite weak, and even if the empower is
used, it won't be worth putting in a main deck. In a Sensei deck, it
might see some play, but I highly doubt it if you have all the good
Sensei Deck cards.
This will only victimize the Saiyan Style, which is right now one of
the weaker styles. It is said that the new Saiyan Mastery will
revive Saiyan, which I can see will help a lot against it. But what
it will generally do is stop one attack, and that won't do much
seeing that you'd have to sacrifice a much better card from to
Sensei Deck for it. You might as well just run a block, as a weak
physical like this won't even phase a Saiyan.
Saiyan beats generally doesn't run Non-Combats because they need the
consistant beatdown, while Blue already has Betrayal to deal with
any of those lying around. Saiyan DB is another story, but honestly
you don't see a ton of those covering the tournament scene.
Hence the card isn't one I would use. Sure, it is Sensei Deck so it
is not totally useless. But that's not good enough to save it. The
mini shield created will easily be burned through, and the added
effect is touching, but more likely than not won't be used.
Standard: 1.4 out of 5.0 (weak, but can deal with one non in Saiyan
DB, Sensei Deck card) Tuff Enuff: 0.9 out of 5.0 (just weak)
Sealed: 3.0 out of 5.0 (since rainbow TW rules are in effect, it can
stop an attack, be a physical, and nuke a non against anyone, which
isn't that shabby)
