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DBZ CCG Card of the Day

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Earth's Spirit Bomb

Kid Buu Saga

Reviewed 11.14.2003

Avg. Standard Rating: 3.06
Avg. TE: Rating: 3.11


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

Matthew Low
11/14/03 – Friday

Earth’s Spirit Bomb – Kid Buu Saga

Ultra Rare - #124

Energy Combat

Power: (You cannot swap this card out of your Sensei Deck at the beginning of the game.) Sensei Deck only. Your opponent removes from the game the top card of his Life Deck for each power stage your Allies are above 0. Remove your Allies in play from the game.

All I can say is… Matthew has his new favorite card ^_^. Or one of them. When I saw this card I was like… my new favorite card… didn’t I just say that… oh well.

Anything to do with allies is cool, but this card just plain takes the cake, right up there with my favorite Z Warriors Gather. This card can easily kill your opponent in one blow with the right setup, and also prevent your opponent from being able to recover. Regardless, it can easily turn the tide of a game just removing vital cards from a deck from the game.

The best way to setup for the big kill is Z Warriors Gather with either Gathering of Heroes or A Burst of Energy or Senzu Effect. This gives you a 70-73 card removal with Spirit Bomb, which generally means you win the game. By the time you get all the setup your opponent’s life deck should be much lower than that amount.

You’ll generally need 3 Energy Gathering/The Help of Earth, so I recommend using Yajirobe as an ally and Oolong him so you can get what you need quick style. If you are really daring, you can try to play him as your MP…

Enter and just Bomb your opponent. Watch out for those Staredowns and Confrontations, as well as cards that make you discard from your hand. Black CS might give you problems.

There are also some really wacked out ways to get Spirit Bomb out like Outburst Drill with something like Energy Ricochet and Goku’s Relentless Spirit, or you can Fond Memories with Black Front Punch and the like. Have fun, but honestly two Spirit Bombs so you can do both methods is enough. Unless you are daring enough to try Goku as your MP…

Keep in mind City In Turmoil shuts this down, so you’ll have to make Spirit Bomb not your main way of winning. That’s said because you’ll have to watch ally hate and non-combat hate, and that’s a lot to watch out for. You can always ally your opponent to death.

Oh, and note that this does cause removal of cards. Think Spirit Bomb when you are facing a Dragon Ball deck. Nothing is worse than losing one of your DBs to Spirit Bomb when you were initially worrying about HUH???.

This card is a ton of fun regardless. Removing that big of a chunk of your opponent’s deck is really good, but note you lose your allies. That’s not that big of a deal if you defeat your opponent with the attack, but watch out for Where There’s Life There’s Hope.

Standard: 3.4 out of 5.0 (very hard to setup, but very rewarding) Tuff Enuff: 3.7 out of 5.0 (note no overkill)

Sealed: 1.0 out of 5.0 (you aren’t getting this out, trust me) ~matthewlow

Da Krillin
 Friday - Earth's Spirit Bomb

Power: "(You cannot swap this card out of your Sensei Deck at the beginning of the game.) Sensei Deck only. Your opponent removes from the game the top card of his Life Deck for each power stage your Allies are above 0. Remove your Allies in play from the game"

Ah yes, one of the elusive Ultra-Rares of the Kid Buu Saga.

Dannnnnng...this thing is scary, in an ally deck.. and if you can pull of
the "the Help of Earth/Energy Gathering" combo it's going to do IMMENSE damage. I mean shoot, NOTHING can stop it! Except, of course cards that say "Your opponent cannot play Energy Combat cards for the remainder of combat", etc., Like I said in yesterday's review, it's very hard to pull off what you need to do to snag this monster out of your sensei deck, but when you do, watch your opponent cringe! (if you're using allies, of course.. if you're using just isn't very frightening, but when you have 7 or 8 allies in play, and you've just used..oh..I dunno, senzu effect? Thats 70 or 80 discards 0_0..)

Standard: 2.1
Tuff Enuff: 3.0
  Earth's Spirit Bomb, #124 from Kid Buu Saga

Power: (You cannot swap this card out of your Sensei Deck at the beginning of the game.) Sensei Deck only. Your opponent removes from the game the top card of his Life Deck for each power stage your Allies are above 0. Remove your Allies in play from the game.

Earth's Spirit Bomb is one of the most devastating cards out there right
now, just with a Z Warriors Gather and a Gathering of heroes your opponent will discard the top 73+ cards of their life deck! Some downsides to this card is that, 1. it is an ultra rare and kind of hard to get. 2. It is a little hard to set it up. 3. With all of the new sensei deck removal cards it might be too risky to rely on one card like this, plus if your opponent has a lot of non-conbat removal, you may be in trouble. But, the upside is that if you can get this off on your opponent, you will basically will win the game.


Standard - 4.25/5

Tuff Enuff - 4.25/5

Sealed Deck - 1/5 (you should be happy just to pull this at a sealed deck
KingBroly Earth's Spirit Bomb - Energy Combat
(You cannot Swap this card out of your Sensei Deck at the beginning of the game.) Power: Sensei Deck only. Your opponent removes from the game the top card of his Life Deck for each power stage your Allies are above 0. Remove your Allies in play from the game.

Standard Deck: 2.5/5
Might I just say a VERY VERY NICE card indeed. #1 it's not an attack. So, if you get it out, CARDS will be RFG after use. This card IMO only works well with Androids b/c Androids can do that sorta thing. Which is bring back Alles from the RFG pile. You can't get it when you sensei in cards, so no Piccolo Sensei advantage here. You'll see MAJOR ALLY Power Ups here & Ally Protection here to make this DECK VERY VERY BEEFY. I'm talking about you have no cards left, you've WTLTH to save yourself, and you pull out ESB w/ 8 allies out at 10 stages above 0 on each. Well, if you can get it, good for you!

Tuff Enuff: 1.5/5
Allies are so destroyed in Tuff Enuff. It's too easy to tell how to destroy this deck type now thanks to Piccolo Sensei.

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