Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Giru Sensei (Deck Size 8)
Focused Format Only. Once per game, you may play a Dragon Ball from
your hand.
A Focused Only Sensei. That's good. I couldn't stand this thing in
Expanded. A Sensei power like Cracked DB 7 by playing it from your
hand during combat. Now, that's not fair. Think you've got the game
won!? Your Opponent uses their Sensei & bam! You lose! >_< I don't
necessarily like DB decks, but before this set, they were extremely
weak. Now, with Cracked DB's, you have DB decks in the field again,
you must metagame a lot against them to win. This Sensei just makes
DB decks Evil in Focused. I may not like it, but it's a DB deck
Focused: 5/5 (You need this Sensei if you play DBs)
Giru Sensei
What we all wanted for expanded...but couldn't get because it would
be extremely broke. Not too big of a sensei, but you're normally
going to be using the sensei for its power. Play a dragon ball from
your hand during combat. Not only does it help if you have your last
dragon ball in your hand, but it also allows you to disrupt combat
and turn it into your favor.
Focused: 8/10 Once per game. Less dragon ball in focused.
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