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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day

image from |
Namekian Friendship
Card Ratings
Average Score: 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.30.05 |

Mr. Buu
Namekian Friendship
(Limit 1 per deck) 2: CONSTANT – When your opponent passes in his
attack phase, you may put the top card of your discards at the
bottom of your life deck.
Yay. Namekian Friendship. How to start… Oh, I know! You will waste
two very precious stages by using this card? Yeah. Another bleh
card. Anything that relies on your opponent doing anything instantly
loses power. Oh, and you have to hope your opponent passes. So, you
save those two stages you could have used to perform that game
breaking attack to play this? That said, it is regen. Regen is very
important. But let’s be honest. You’re talking maybe in an average
game using this card 2 to 3 times assuming it doesn’t somehow get
hit by removal? Hardly worth 2 stages as you will continually lose
life. If they made it two cards for every time a player passes, then
it would be worth reviewing. Other than that, it’s not. It’s just
not worth 2 stages. Oh, wait. That is before you add in the
craptacular limit 1 per deck. That said, this card isn’t all bad.
Specially if you pull a foil. See, newbs like two things: rares and
shiny cards. Now, if you pull a foil, you have both, making it twice
as rare to the newbs. Comprende?
On pojo’s scale: 1/5
On my scale: -2.5/1
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Yeah, it’s late for Christmas,
but oh well.
-Mr. Buu
Musashi |
Namekian Friendship
Card 104
DBZ Showdown set
(limit 1 per deck)
2: CONSTANT- When your opponent passes in his Attack Phase, you may
put the top card of your discards at the bottom of your life deck.
Well, hello there, everyone! Sorry I missed the other reviews but it
is the Christmas season. I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and
celebrated it the right way. Oh, I got an XBOX (finally!)
On with the review. Namekian Friendship is not too bad. Gives you
regen, which is always good. Only thing is, it's WAY too
conditional. Your opponent has to pass, which may not happen often
unless you've hit him with cards to make him pass. I must confess, i
don't play Namekian so i don't really know if it has the needed card
effects to do this, but if you happen to be playing Rainbow, then I
can recommend some red cards to lead into it. A plus is, this is
limit 1, meaning that if you were playing my Red Krillin, I'd leave
this one alone and save Red Shout for a certain other Namekian
support that I hate......
Musashi's Rating: 3.4/5.0
Not bad, but not good either. Pretty average.
Rob f |
Namekian Friendship
ok today we have a nice supprt for the ever popular Namekian
subtype. The card doesn't have the Mastery restriction, so it can
also be added to Freestyle decks if needed. For 2 stages, it has the
constant effect of allowing you to put the top card of your discard
and the bottom of your deck everytime you opponent passes. Blah,
more regen for Namekian, some might be thinking, and you might be
right. Blue and Namekian currently have an extreme amount of
regeneration cards. Being able to shuffle back in large attacks or
other useful cards that weren't removed can be very helpful. Most of
the time, however, you won't be able to make sure that the ones you
want go back in. This card, also, is a slower regenration card as it
is dependent on your opponent alot. Depending on how much control
you have on your opponent will greatly change how many cards are
returned. Finally, being a support also gives it the weakness of
being easly removed by cards such as Yamcha's Support, Blue Wing
Destruction, etc.
3.8/5 nice effect, but can vary in power based on the deck
Namekian Friendship
Namekian rejuvenation at its best. In any combat that your opponent
doesn't want to attack, you can rejuv the top card of your discard
pile. If it remains in play, you at least get one card regened into
your deck. This card shouldn't be the one a Namekian deck should
rely on, though, as it's limit one per deck and it's very possible
that your opponent will get rid of this card.
3.5/5 |