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image from |
Blue Amplified Mastery
Shadow Dragon Saga
Card Ratings
Expanded: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.22.05 |
meb9000 |
Blue Amplified Mastery
When you Augment a Setup in play, you may search your Life Deck
instead of your Discard Pile. If you choose to search your Life
Deck, you may name a card that you don't have in play and Augment it
instead of the Setup you were going to Augment. Your MP's PUR gains
Hey guys, sorry for the lack of reviews lately, but school can
really take its toll. Anyway, here we have the much-debated Blue
Amplified mastery. This was definitely the most confusing mastery to
date, as its effect was not very clear until several needed rulings
were made. At first, people thought you could use any augmenting
card and name any godly setup such as ZWG, YWHBG, etc, and get it
out onto the field easily.
However, the ruling stated that you must not only have a setup in
play that meets the criteria of the augmentor, but also play a setup
from your deck that also meets that criteria. This is definitely
more logical and probably what the mastery was aiming for.
I'd say this mastery has a lot of promise in both formats, as there
are lots of blue decks in Focused that run a huge amount of setups,
as well as expanded which has many great cards to search for,
especially if you use Majin Yakon with this mastery, allowing you to
legally get out those great setups. The general PUR boost can help
anywhere, so take advantage of it.
(Has nightmares over Blue Uub's Energy Drill beats
Expanded: 7/10: You could really go places with either energy beats
or taking advantage of Majin Yakon and going crazy ;)
Focused: 7.7/10 Blue Decks have tons of fun setups that have great
augmentors that go with them. Do cool things like augmenting a Blue
Speedy escape in play with Blue Tail Throw to trade it in for 3 Blue
Narrow Escapes O_o
Happy playing!
Trunks |
Ok, this is a good card. When you
Augment a Setup, you can search your life Deck instead of your
Discard pile. This is good when you have that one card in your Life
Deck that you need really badly, and it can only be used once, and
that that one time is now. Plus, it s optional. You can EITHER
search your LD or your Discard pile. So, this card works either way.
You can also get back that card you need in your Discard pile when
you need it to play right now. The only thing I can see that s bad
with this card is that it s really for Blue decks. That s
disappointing. Well, it s still pretty good anyway.
Exp- 4/5
Foc- 4/5
Sea- 3.5/5