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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Blue Skull Bash
Card Ratings
Average Score: 5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.22.06 |

Mr. Buu
Blue Skull Bash
Combat, Physical
(Remove from the game after use) (Physical attack doing 0 damage) 1,
Mastery: For this turn you count as having preformed +1 Blue Styled
physical attack.
Blue Skull Bash can be fun in a Blue Beats deck. This more or less
says that your Blue Styled Physicals do +1 damage for the remainder
of combat, but it might change later. 0 Damage is pitiful, but not
important at all. It will do at least 2 damage if thrown first in a
Blue Deck. Possibly 3 damage depending on who you run, but that’s
not bad for a 1. And it makes all of your other attacks do +1 damage
too, so not too shabby. I’m not going to get into what it does in
freestyle decks because I wouldn’t get past the “it sucks here”
part. Basically, I would recommend running this in Blue.
AJC468 |
Blue Skull Bash
1, Mastery: For this turn, you count as having performed +1 Blue
styled physical attack. (Damage: 0, Physical Attack)
Blue Skull Bash is exactly the kind of physical attack Blue needs in
order to make full use of its excellent mastery. While it will not
see play in every type of Blue deck, there really isn't a single
other Blue attack that compliments the mastery as well as this one.
Why is this? It's very simple. Noting that the Blue mastery
increases the damage done by all blue physical attacks by 1 for each
you perform, it becomes clear that in order to maximize the
effectiveness of the mastery one must perform as many Blue styled
physical attacks as possible in a single combat. This means that
while Blue Strength works best with Blue's more expensive attacks,
the Blue Mastery itself is better with cheap and inexpensive attacks
like Blue Skull Bash. They cost less meaning you can peform more of
them, and the modifier from the mastery increases their damage by a
larger percentage since the base damage is so much lower to begin
Now take what you've just read and add Blue Skull Bash's effect into
the equation. "For this turn, you count has having performed +1
Blue styled physical attack." This amounts to a +1 modifier on all
blue physical attacks for a turn and provides an inexpensive attack
all in the price of one card. Like the mastery, the more attacks
you perform after Blue Skull Bash, the better it gets. Yet, taking
this into consideration, Blue Skull Bash is not perfect by any
means. It is not the kind of card you can throw during a turn and
always benefit from it. It absolutely has to be used in a turn
where you can go all out in order for it to truly be effective, yet
this isn't always very easy to do. Being "Remove from the game
after use" means you can't reuse it either. 'Tis a shame.
The Final Verdict:
Despite the relatively minor flaw of requiring a bit of setup, Blue
Skull bash is perfect for the style it has been created for. Blue
needed more cards that make better use of its mastery, and it has
finally started to get them. Blue Skull Bash won't see play in the
more "combo-based" Blue style decks that benefit from support setup
and reusing certain key attacks over and over again, but if you are
looking for a staple in a Blue cheap beats deck, it doesn't get much
better than this.
Blue Skull Bash
This card meets the requirements to be a staple card in Blue cheap
beats. This card helps the overall theme of a speedy beatdown deck
by doing one thing and doing it well: making cheap attacks do more
damage. Played at the beginning of combat makes it do two damage for
one stage, and if you want more damage, you could always pop a Blue
Cheer before you attack to make it do four damage.