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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Launch's Catering
Card Ratings
Average Score: 2.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.28.06 |
AJC468 |
Launch's Catering
(Remove from the game after use.) 2: You may shuffle up to 3
Freestyle cards from your discards into your life deck.
Launch's Catering is an interesting card, but any use it might have
had is underminded by the requirement that Launch must be either
your MP or one of your allies. Yes, every named card is the same
way, but at least some of them actually work with the personality
they are named after.
Q: Should I run Launch's ally in order to use Launch's Catering?
A: No, Launch's ally is terrible.
Q: How about Launch's Catering with Launch as an MP?
A: No, the benefits gained by Launch's Catering are not worth
wasting 2 stages and 3 cards of deck space. Not to mention that
shuffling in freestyle supports keeps you from retrieving them with
her power, and Launch's finisher already puts itself on top of your
deck after use.
Q: Does Launch's Catering have anything going for it? Anything at
A: Well, there are far worse cards you could run over Launch's
Catering. At this stage of the game it qualifies as a "decent" card
simply because healing is still rather hard to come by, but "decent"
just doesn't cut it most of the time. A better Launch ally would
help things a bit, however.
The Final Verdict:
Piccolo's Regeneration puts this card to shame. I think I've
covered everything else.

Mr. Buu |
Launch's Catering
Card Number: 100
Card Type: Combat - Event
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use.) 2: You may shuffle up to 3
Freestyle cards from your discards into your life deck.
Uh, no. Do I have to insult your intelligence and break this card
down? Seriously, there are not enough Freestyle cards to make this
card worth running, not to mention Launch sucks as an MP and/or
Ally. Viable ally I suppose, but still… Not worth running just for
this card. Good points? It’s regen. And it’s a rare, so it’s
automatically labeled “Trade Bait”.
Stay away. At least until other sets are released. This card
eventually might become very good regen. Until then, it should be
thrown into your binder. Or whatever it is you use to collect cards.
Launch's Catering
A good card for freestyle regen, but you have to have launch in play
to use it, and it requires you to give stages to Launch just to use
it. I really don't like this card too much, as Launch personalities
are not quite worthy of being used yet.
Justin Cardoza |
Launch's Catering
Card Number: 100
Card Type: Combat - Event
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use.) 2: You may shuffle up to 3
Freestyle cards
from your discards into your life deck.
Well, I'll be reviewing more often now....I went on vacation to good
Hawaii! =)
This card, in my opinion, is one of the better Freestyle cards to be
released in the Showdown set. I've even tried playing this as my
only ally in my Zarbon Namekian deck to be able to shuffle my
finisher's back into my deck if they got discarded. It ended up
working quite well.
The bad part about this card, is that it's a Launch named card.
Launch is an
extremely tough Ally to play in any deck. Even playing her with a
Human deck
is hard, because her damage to cost ratio is worse than Yamcha's.
Not to mention Yamcha has a pretty sweet named card....
Still though, this card is worth looking at. 3 cards definitely
isn't bad, especially if you're shuffling your finisher's back into
your deck....which is primarily what you'd use this card for.
Overall, this card has some versatility, but it's just hard to fit
into your deck.
Overall: 3.5/5
Art: 5/5 Food! =P
I'll eventually start doing a countdown for Transformation. =)