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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Orange Phone Call
Card Ratings
Average Score: 2.8
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.03.06 |

Mr. Buu |
Orange Phone Call
1: CONSTANT – Once per turn, during your Attack Phase, you may
discard a card from your hand to put an Orange Styled Support from
your discards into your hand.
And now to kick off the New Year (Happy New Year everybody, hope
2006 is great). We get this card… One the surface it looks like a
great card for Orange seeing as how Orange got a lot of Supports.
This however, is a card you really only need to run if you have the
space and need filler. Really, you shouldn’t have to worry about
using this cards effect much. Mainly because Orange already has
cards to get supports back and put them into play and the Mastery
itself stops your opponent from discarding Constant Supports. That
leaves ones that you play and don’t have a way of getting back.
After doing some research however, the only two Non-Constant Orange
Style Supports are removed from the game and one of which is limited
one per deck. Furthermore, Orange Destruction owns this card (one of
the two Non-Constant Supports). Basically, this is a card that is
too redundant for it’s own good. You see, Orange Destruction does
almost the same thing except for it’s effect occurs when the support
is discarded as a life card of damage and the support gets put into
play. Choice of words is put into play. So you get to actually play
the support for free more or less. I’ll take that versus discarding
a card to have it take up space. Overall, Orange has enough constant
supports that you should not miss this card. If you do, however,
need the filler then feel free to throw this card into your deck.
Despite the downsides, you could end up using it as a more limited
Orange Destruction.
Rating: 2/5 (Too many better cards that should be run)
Rob f |
Orange Phone Call
so far, orange is one of the weaker mastery that DBZ has to offer.
It has the weakest mastery effect and the way of play for the
decktype revolves more around supports than attacks. today's card
goes good with that theme. you can use an action to grab an orange
support from your discards if you discard a card from your hand.
Depending on your situation, this card can be nice, where as others
it might not be helpful. It can cycle out useless supports for more
useful ones and be used as a way to revive the most powerful ones
like dinner, lookout and stance. like most orange supports, this
card's effect is constant, which is nice for this card's cost of 1
stage. although somewhat situational, this card could easily be
played in 2's or 3's.
AJC468 |
Orange Phone Call: Constant -
Once during your turn during your Attack Phase, you may discard a
card from your hand to put an Orange styled Support from your
discards into your hand.
Orange. The only style I have yet to really experiment with.
Something about it just seems to turn me away, and the whole
prospect of relying on one card (Orange Dinner) to win the game is
not very appealing. Needless to say, I don't like Orange, but when
the telephone rings someone has to answer it...
Okay, that was terrible. On with the COTD...
Orange Phone Call. This card has me leaping for joy. Not really. The
thing about Orange is that it wants to play its supports for free,
via Orange Dinner or other cards with similiar effects, but this
card puts a support into your hand instead of in play. Now this is a
nice combo with Orange Mentoring, and it does give Orange yet
another way to get Dinner back lest it get discarded, but this is
not one of the style's many staples by any means.
The Final Verdict:
Provided you have the room, Orange Phone Call is worth a
consideration with its low cost and fairly high usefulness late
game, but please remember to use in moderation. There are plenty of
worse cards you could run in Orange, yet there are also plenty of
better ones. Most decks could stand to run a single copy, but three
is generally out of the question.
Orange phone call
One of the less useful Orange cards in the game. Putting supports
from your discard pile into your hand during combat is not a good
use of a card from your hand. I cannot foresee this card being used
too much, as there are better choices to get supports from your
discard pile, and they even put them into play for you. 1.5/5
Musashi |
Orange Phone Call
DBZ TCG Showdown Set
1: CONSTANT- Once per turn during your Attack Phase, you may discard
a card from your hand to put an Orange style Support from your
discards in to your hand.
Happy New Year!!! Let's start off this year the right way: with a
great card to review!
Orange Phone Call is one of those "DUH!!!" cards. Meaning that if I
look at an Orange deck list and see this card, I will say "DUH!!!"
It's a pretty straight-up Support puller. And seeing as there is a
TON of Support hate, and that Orange equals a strong support deck,
this card has earned the "Staple" status.
Musashi's Rating: 5.0/5.0 |