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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Dodoria, Big Pinky
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.03
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.05.06 |
AJC468 |
Dodoria, Big Pinky: Constant -
After one of your successful energy attacks deals damage, you may
remove from the game a Combat Event or Support in your opponent's
Dodoria, Big Pinky.
Dodoria, Big Pinky, besides having an exceedingly stupid name, is
basically an inferior version of Raditz's level 1. About the only
thing Dodoria has going for him is his PUR of 5, yet his heritage
and available named cards serve only to bring him down. Sealing the
deal is his rather unremarkable power, which certainly isn't
terrible, but lacks the flair and usefulness of other level 1 MPs.
This isn't to say that Raditz is used for his power either. Sure,
it can be useful, but the real reason Raditz sees play is because he
combines a PUR of 5 with some of the best allies in the game. Team
Saiyan specializes in both draw power (Nappa) and modifiers (Vegeta),
but with whom does Dodoria work best? Being of Alien heritage, the
only allies he really combos with are Frieza and Zarbon; neither of
which have remarkable powers. Herein lies the true problem of Team
Alien. Said team shares neither the stage gain of Humans nor the
draw power of Saiyans, but opts instead to do nothing particularly
well. In fact, Dodoria's power seems tailor made for energy
attacks, but Zarbon increases the damage of physical attacks only.
There is not a drop of synergy to be found. =/
The Final Verdict:
Dodoria, Big Pinky is just begging to be used in Blue. With his
named card, Dodoria's Empowering Rage, making all of his attacks
count as energy attacks for card effects, you can at least combo it
with Blue Forceful Mastery for hilarious results. Frieza's named
card even let's you get it back once the effect wears off making for
almost never ending fun, or you could just use Raditz instead
because he's better in almost every way imaginable. Well, Dodoria's
finisher does -1- more damage, so I guess Dodoria has one thing
going for him. Not really, but there is still a glimmer of hope for
the “Big Pinky”. The next set is supposedly chock full of Aliens,
so perhaps Dodoria will see more use if better allies are provided
for him. Until then, Dodoria is mediocrity at its best.
Dodoria, Big Pinky
This MP is pretty good in certain decks. With his power, it makes
your successful energy attacks remove from the game either a support
or event from your opponents discard pile. This could be useful as
there are a lot of good supports and events in the game. But there
are only a few styles that have enough good energy attacks to put
his power to good use, except freestyle. And he is the only MP with
a PUR of 5 and high power levels.
Rob f |
Dodoria - Big Pinky
following up with the series, showdown released the alien type
characters. there are frieza, zarbon, and today's card, dodoria.
starting off with the stats, its a lv 1 with a PUR of 5. this is
very good for a level 1. it also has decent power stages, doing up
to 5 cards damage. now instead of an attack, it has a constant
effect, which if an energy attack does damage, you can remove a
event or support from your opponent's discards. this effect can be
very useful, because it can hurt the major stradegys of some decks
or keep the opponent away from key cards. however the effect only
works for energy attacks. this setback can be fixed by his named
event (empowered rage). now for uses, you can use him with his alien
allies. as for deck types, a freestyle deck using mainly energy
attacks might be the best, but other than that, its worth testing
with any of the masterys.
Musashi |
Dodoria, Big Pinky
Common, #15 DBZ TCG Showdown
PL: 0- 10,000 by 1,000
CONSTANT- After one of your energy attacks deals damage, you may
remove from the game a Combat Event or Support in your opponent's
discard pile.
Ummmm, Dodoria? That was my first thought when I saw this card, but
then I read its effect. Remember Raditz lv 1 from Arrival? This is
him in Showdown. The ability to remove a Support or Event from the
game is a useful tool against any deck, but mainly against Blue and
Orange. Plus, it's a CONSTANT, meaning that if you run an Energy
based deck you'll get to abuse this card. Aliens also have good ally
support and a great team set-up, but I'd really rather play Freeza.
That aside, Dodoria is an excellent choice for an MP that hates
Musashi's Rating: 4.3/5.0