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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Red Beatdown
Card Number: 110
Card Type: Combat - Physical
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use.) 2(Physical for 4):
If you Refocus with this attack, then for the rest
of the turn your Red styled attacks cost -1 stage to
a minimum of 1.
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.25.06 |
Red Beatdown
Another good Red card, and this helps to make Red decks a little bit
more offensive by reducing the costs of your Red style attacks by
one stage. Its ability only happens when you refocus with it,
though. And it is removed from the game after use, but since you
should be running this in a Red deck, it will only cost one stage to
refocus and with it making your Red attacks cheaper, it comes close
to paying for itself. If you run the Red style, you pretty much need
this card in the deck.
4/5 |
Musashi |
Red Beatdown
Card # 110
DBZ TCG Showdown
2: PA 4 (RftGAU) If you Refocus with this attack, then for the rest
of the turn, your Red style attacks cost -1 stage to a minimum of 1.
Hello, everyone! Musashi is alive; I just got real busy with school
and trying to find a job. I got both cleared up so yay for me! ^_^
Anyway, I'm back and will continue to provide assistance here (for
the sick among you that take my advice....)
Alright! We got a Red card today, and it's a decent one! Red being
my style of expertise, I'll rate this objectively. A Physical attack
for 4 costing two. At first glance, I say "Meh, I can find better."
But, the secondary effect makes it respectable. Cuts 1 stage off
your Red Style attacks for the remainder of the turn if you refocus
with it. Now, a Refocus for 4 that costs two is okay, but then it
has that next ability. Double it with a certain staple Dragonball
and this card can be a fine contender. Of course, I would not
recommend running this in Rainbow, unless you run a lot of Red
Musashi's Rating: 4.2/5.0 |
AJC468 |
Red Beatdown
Card Number: 110
Card Type: Combat - Physical
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use.) 2(Physical for 4): If you Refocus
with this attack, then for the rest of the turn your Red styled
attacks cost -1 stage to a minimum of 1
If you hadn't already gathered from reading the card text, Red
Beatdown is quite good. In fact, it seems reasonable to conclude
that without it Red would have a much harder time pulling off any
form of an offensive strike. Red Beatdown changes this, however, and
now Red is perfectly adept to commence a major beatdown combo after
pulling off Red Left Kick. There isn't much else to say about Red
Beatdown, and it should be pretty obvious by now that it is a staple
in every Red styled deck. Nifty combos with cards like Red Knee
Strike also allow Red to finally have some net stage gain with
something other than Left Kick. It's about time.
The Final Verdict:
If there's one card you don't want to start a combo without, it's
Red Beatdown. Red isn't exactly known for its cost effective
attacks, but Red Beatdown allows you to get around this downside for
a single turn. Just remember to save it until the time is right, or
you might waste an excellent opportunity to gain the advantage.
Lastly, I can't mention Red Beatdown without mentioning that a 1-4
refocus is quite good, and there you have it.

Mr. Buu |
Red Beatdown
Card Number: 110
Card Type: Combat - Physical
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use.) 2(Physical for 4): If you Refocus
with this attack, then for the rest of the turn your Red styled
attacks cost -1 stage to a minimum of 1.
And today’s card has so much potential to be insanely wrong. It’s
just not even funny. A 1:4 prevention ratio is not bad at all. But
then, when you take into consideration that your Red attacks cost 1
less, then it gets really good. Obviously not good enough to be
limit 1 per deck, but still, good enough to burn the crap out of
your opponent if played right. I’ve been on the wrong end of this
card, and I’m sure AJC has too. Imagine 3 pulled off in the right
combat for Red. This card is nice because it opens a window up to
wail on the opponent for massive damage. I could go on and on
rehashing that point, but I think you guys get it by now. All cards
have their downsides. This cards? It’s not offensive based really.
But that’s not really much of a downside. It could take up hand
space I guess, if you don’t wanna use it. Still, if you run Red, run
this. Nuff said.
-Mr. Buu