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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
Bulma's Relaxation
Card Ratings
Average Score: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.02.06 |

Mr. Buu
Bulma's Relaxation
Card Number: 95
Card Type: Combat - Event
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use. Limit 1 per deck.) 2: Search your
life deck for a Freestyle Event and put it in your hand. Your
opponent takes 2 damage.
You know those uber broken cards that you wish you could take back
into a time machine just abuse another uber broken card in old Z or
even GT but in the current environment it has nowhere near the power
it could have had? This is one of those cards. Searching for an
event is potent, but none of the events are overly game breaking.
Since this card is limit 1 per deck, that seriously hampers the use
of it right now. Combined with the right setup, it has potential to
pull out, say, Zarbon’s Calm, Gohan’s Anger, etc (You know, some of
the more sickening event). But the problem is, out of 60 cards (and
most of the cards you can pull with this are abuseable in multiples
of 3’s) it is only 1 card. Now, that’s all well and good, but let’s
also look at who you have to use to use this card… Why Bulma of
course. Bulma ally is viable, but her MP is just like Launch’s (it
sucks). At least for now… If you could use this with somebody like
Raditz, or even Vegeta, it would be uber. But you can’t. That hurts
this card. Maybe in the future it will be great.
Bulma's Relaxation
This is a pretty good event tutor, which events can be the catalyst
for changing the flow of the game. On top of being a tutor, it also
deals damage to the opponent, which isn't half bad at all. and this
card will see more play than Launch's cards as the Bulma ally is
decent and Bulma's Barrage is pretty good.
Sean Noga |
Bulma' Relaxation
Well where do I begin. Bulma's relaxation is a great card b/c with
all the new freestyle cards coming out for the ginyu force, she can
search one out. The 2 damage isn't all that impressive. I just
consider that icing on the cake. Unfortunatly you must have bulma to
use this. She is a decent ally but I wouldn't use her just for this
card. Bottom line if you have bulma run this.
Justin Cardoza |
Bulma's Relaxation
Card Number: 95
Card Type: Combat - Event
Rarity: Rare
Expansion: Showdown
Card Text:
(Remove from the game after use. Limit 1 per deck.) 2: Search your
life deck for a Freestyle Event and put it in your hand. Your
opponent takes 2 damage.
Once again, we're reviewing a card that is relatively good, but
won't see much play for now due to the personality that it must be
played with.
Being able to search your life deck for any Freestyle cards can give
you a bit of an edge during games. In addition, due to the
versatility of this card, it will only get extremely better with
time. But for now, this cards primary use, will most likely be to
search for Paid Off and possibly Refill at the end of the game.
Late-game I can see this card working at its highest potential, but
only in very particular situations. You and your opponent are both
at a low deck-count (maybe 8 cards or so) and you need a way to get
back into the game, or to just get cards back into your deck. Paying
2 stages with this card essentially gets you 3 cards back into your
deck and 2 damage to your opponent. Obviously this can give you a
bit of an edge, but there's not much of a chance that you'll
actually have Refill in your deck, or haven't already used it for
that matter.
Right now this card is below average as it's way too sitatuional for
our current environment. But in later sets, if we get a better Bulma
Ally or MP, and some better Events other than Paid Off and Refill, I
could see this card being extremely good. For now though, this card
gets a low score....
Overall: 1.75/5
Art: 5/5 =P