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Pojo's DBZ Card of the Day
- Relentless Battler
Card Ratings
Average Score: 5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.21.06 |

Mr. Buu |
Well, I'm lazy and don't feel
like opening 36 million windows to show you Piccolo's power
*hypnotic waves cover the area making everybody believe that it
is just a technical difficulty and not laziness*
Besides, Pojo has the card
posted ;/
Now, we have a 7 for 1 unless
you use this when Piccolo is at 1 above, changing it to a 1 for
1. Of course, that is great. Amazing damage to cost ratio.
Then his power... Let's just say that in a perfect world,
Piccolo would not have been released with such an amazing power
and such high base since it could possibly unbalance the game
that has already been hinging on Saiyan Team. Note to Score,
fix the problems, don't replace them. What am I getting at?
The fact is that Piccolo doesn't really balance the environment,
he merely replaces the Saiyan Team. But that is off subject of
his power which, suffice it to say, is sick. Black Charged Ball
anybody? You love that PUR of 5? Well, I like it being 0
better. GG. Piccolo's Fusion? As if Happiness wasn't enough
for infinite stages. Paid Off? Okay, I'll make my Happiness
give me 9-12 EVERY TURN. Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon?
Sick... This wouldn't be so bad if you played the card and had
to wait until your turn to use it again. But thanks to the
refocusing rule, you can refocus with his power and pull the top
card anyways, saving your lock or combo. Too many combos to
make this personality too good.
Should you run it? Depends
on if you want to wait on the equally as sick Broly to be in the
40% that will use him, or if you want to be in the 40% that will
use Piccolo. Just realize that this is the new Saiyan Team
Piccolo-Relentless Battler
This level of Piccolo is the best level of Piccolo in the game right
now, and many people consider him the best personality out of
Transformation. His power is one of the best right now, as with it
you can abuse a lot of cards, such as; Black Charged Ball, Piccolo's
Fusion, Namekian Eye Lasers, and a lot more. Plus, he brings a PUR
of five to the table, and with his power levels, one can abuse the
AT attacks. This personality just helps out so many decks, and
creates some of his own.
Justin Cardoza |
This week is Namekian Team week, so this should be a blast for us!
Plus, I'm probably going to be playing Namekian Team, as it has been
a while (since Old Z) since I've played hardcore Namekian
regeneration. =P
Piccolo is who we'll start with, and he is by far one of the
greatest personalities to be released yet! He gives potential to
each and every deck out there. This time, not just for his PUR of 5
which is great, but for his power and new named card!
First and foremost, he gives you a bit of hand advantage over your
opponent, which can be especially helpful in Namekian decks.
Secondly, by using his power, you can easily get back a card that
you've just played from your discard pile and put it back in your
hand. Granted, you take a bit of damage, but on average most attacks
that you'll get back will only cost 2 stages anyways. Unless of
course you're going for a Black Charged Ball Lock Deck, which we all
know will be great! ~_^
His named card simply makes him even better. The named card in
itself enables Piccolo to gain PLENTY of stages very easily, but
when you can get it back right after you use it, that's what makes
the card TRULY devastating!
This personality will be a force to be reckoned with at upcoming
tournaments! I'd watch for him as he will be seen in many, MANY,
Overall: 4.999999/5 (I don't believe in perfect. =P)
Art: 3.5/5 (Better than the other Piccolo ally card.... o_O)