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- Ginyu Force Member
Card Ratings
Average Score: 4.35
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.28.06 |
Recoome-Ginyu Force Member
This ally can help out many decks. He creates a new way to gain 2
stages, even if you do have to take 3 damage. This isn't at all too
bad, as now people don't have to make a Namekian styled deck to have
consistent stage gain, which opens a whole new slew of deck
archtypes that will be used. And on top of that, Recoome's Pose
isn't a bad idea to include in a deck, either.
Justin Cardoza |
Back again with some more Transformation for you guys to think over!
In addition to simply reviewing a great card in this set to start
off the week though, I'd like to make a statement....
In many people's eyes, they believe that this game isn't worth
"wasting" the money on to play. On the contrary. Score Ent. has
always been a horrid company that isn't exactly great at doing it's
job (i.e.- Advertising, Product Management, etc.). That is also why
many people shy away from this game, as they believe that Score Ent.
will end up being the game's demise.
Well, if people would give this game a chance, then the game cannot
fail. As much as Score doesn't advertise their game, the game itself
is EXTREMELY solid as far as gameplay mechanics. Many decks at this
point in the game are now playable, and there are many different
strategies to look over when building your decks. The Old Z was
great with only a few good decks at this point....but Re-Z has many
decks that all have the potential to be tournament viable.
How is this relavant to this card review? Well Recoome, Ginyu Force
Member, is one of those cards that gives each and every deck type
out that a little bit more "kick" so that they can be playable.
Namekian for the longest time was the only way of being able to
consistantly gain extra stages every turn through some sort of
effect or "power". Recoome has now made it so that each deck can now
have an effect that will enable them to have 2 more stages every
combat, just like Namekian does.
Although his effect does come at the cost of 3 damage, that
shouldn't be a problem in today's extremely fast environment. With
game's at major events sometimes ending within 3 combats or so, 3
extra damage won't be too difficult to muster.
Not to mention that with the Ginyu Force he essentially gives the
Captain 7 PUR. =P Gotta love 'em....
Overall: 4.7/5
Art: 1.5/5 o_O