Mr. Buu
Saiyan Right Punch
Combat, Physical
(Physical attack for AT damage) 2: Your other Saiyan styled attacks
do +1 damage this turn.
Yay for school being out, now my only excuse for not doing CotDs
will be laziness… And we all know I wont be guilty of that, now
don’t we?
Saiyan Right Punch is a fun card. Short, sweet, simple, and of
course, to the point. You have an AT for 2, which really equates to
a 7 for most decks using this card, which if you count mods, will
likely be a 9 or 10. This is a beatstick for Saiyan, and it helps to
pump up other beatsticks by adding 1 damage. 1 damage sounds little,
but it adds up over time, especially with Saiyan. Simply put, it’s a
good card in many Saiyan decks and works well with the new Piccolo…
Then again, aside from supports, what doesn’t?
I’d run it in a good bit of Saiyan decks at the moment, unless you
plan on going with the old Raditz archtype. Then again, you really
shouldn’t do that, so run this.