From: Angelo Cranmer []

trunks the all powerful!!!
Angelo cranmer
waterloo tournament                       single elimination round                          
# people - 6
January 12, 2002
main personality: (cell saga)
trunks the swift
trunks the quick
trunks, time's hero
trunks the powerful 

yamcha the battler lv2
physical combat:
x3 hidden power level
x3 blue betrayal
x3 blue foot forward sweep
x3 gohan's ready
x3 blue flight
x3 blue straight jab
x3 blue round throw
x1 blue elbow drop
x1 android 16 detects
x1 blue right cross
physical combat card defenses:
x1 nappa's physical resistance
x2 blue backflip
x3 blue evasion
x3 blue wrist block
energy combat:
x3 blue energy flight
x1 cell's last strike
x1 blue terror
x1 trunks makes himself clear
x1 blue stance
x1 good advice
x1 blue energy outburst
energy combat card defenses:
x1nappa's energy aura
( the reason I don't have any other energy combat card defense because of trunks energy defenses )
x3 blue awakening
x1 grabbing the tail
x1 time is a warrior's tool
x1 dream fighting
x1 awful abrasions
x1 goku's heart disease
x1 vegeta scans the city
x1 roshi's calming
x1 king kai's calming
x1 Mr. popo's calming
x1 blazing anger!
x1 hero enraged!
x3 burning rage!
x2 baba's energy blast
x2 trunks prepares
non-combat drills
x1 blue cradle drill
x1 vegeta's quickness drill
x1 blue reversal drill
x1 blue mental drill
x1 kami's floating island
total# 75
blue trunks vs. black android 18
the first cards I drew were blue cradle drill blue stance and burning rage. I played blue stance to raise my anger to levels and made her lose 5 cards. She started out using black neck break so I lost 5 cards. She lost 5 stages to blue cradle drill. By third combat I was at lv3 she had lost a total of 30 life cards to my drill when I got it back playing trunks prepares. I used blue round throw to finish her of and win the game by life cards of damage.
wins: 1      losses: 0
blue trunk vs. android 18 black deck again!
this time this deck was way better then the last. I drew out to many energy attacks. He used black side thrust making me lose +6 power stages and called out blue awakening. The battle went on forever I just drew my defense cards too early in the game then I soon whore out and lost +40 life cards to seven attacks in his hand. So I lost the game by being decked.
wins: 1 losses: 1 
blue trunks vs. blue android 18 (new blue style mastery)
he was using the android 18 from the android saga. He had a whole lot of defense cards. But I got lucky an drew out blue cradle drill. He had a whole lot of non-combat cards in his deck too. I used trunks makes himself clear to raise my anger 2 . He placed down kami's floating island. Then I drew my card and got blue evasion. I used burning rage in place of one of my attacks. To raise my anger to 4. He placed down his attack Stopped it and went to lv2. Third combat I got to lv3 and got blue cradle drill back using vegeta's quickness drill. I let him get away with some attacks so he started losing +7 life cards of damage. Then  I used my trunks prepares when he said he was entering combat. I drew out from the bottom 3 discards and got blue evasion, blue stance, and time is a warriors tool first he attacked with energy I let it go then I waited until he played out all of his blue style cards. I had all ready had out blue mental drill to see his hand. Then I stopped  his physical attack and raised my anger 1 my anger was already 3 so I used blue stance and raised my anger 2 and did 5 life cards and won by highest personality victory.  
wins: 2 loses: 1
I got third place and got the new blue style mastery, Piccolo the namek and another Mr.. popo's calming. I also got two cell saga boosters.
need help with your decks.
Visit me at

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