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Email- smitharthur@email.msn.com
Strategy-Doing BIG attacks (mostly energy) while causing disruption. I would like to be able to win in each way. My deck basically
eliminates the different ways my opponent can win. Cards I would like to keep-MP; Mastery; TKWaza; most allies;
Speed cards; Goods attack cards such as... Orange Rage, Orange Junction
Energy Blast, ect.; disruption cards such as... Orange Energy Dan Drill,
Orange Destruction Dril-you get the picture.
Problems-not too many problems except I just can't seem to win sometimes.
It's like my deck completely shuts down. I can't point out the problem
exactly (I am a bad explainer), though. Please help me! By the way...are
cell saga cards legal in tournament decks (I really need to know this)?
Orange Tokui-Waza
Main Personality-
lv.1 Goku, the Leader (550,000-1,000,000)
P- put ally from deck in play 3 stages above 0 if took no D in combat as
lv.2 Goku, the Defender (300.000-1,200,000)
P-+2 anger after any combat if I take 5+ life cards in D.
lv.3 Goku, the Protector (600,000-1,500,000)
CCP-defense sheild: stop first NRG attack made on me in combat;can't lose
more than 1 anger from any card.
lv.4 Goku On Namek (480,000-750,000)
P-stops an NRG attack in a combat. Also discard an opponents drill.
lv.5 Goku, the All Powerful (3,400,000-4,500,000)
P-phys. attack doing +5 stages and 5 life cards in D.
Orange Style Mastery (your NRG attacks do +1 life card in D or cost -1
power stage. Orange NRG attacks do both)
x3 Orange NRG Dan Drill (once per combat, after a success. NRG attack
search defenders deck for card and discard it)
x3 Orange Power Shifting Drill (When performing an NRG attack, can have it
do same amount of power stages to any personality instead)
x3 Orange Special Beam Cannon Drill (once per combat, if a successful NRG
attack is done to you, you can do that move next attack phase)
x1 Orange Joint Restraint Drill ( you may do +4 stages with Phs. attacks)
x1 Orange Destruction Drill (start of each turn discard 1 enemy's drill.
lim.1 per deck)
x1 Orange leg Drill (all phys. attacks reduced by 2 stages. lim.1 per deck)
x1 Orange Off-Balancing Drill (stop 1st phys. attack on you in combat)
Physical Attack cards-
x3 Orange Dashing Gut Punch (phys. attack. Gain 3 stages. Remove top
discard card of enemy from game)
x3 Orange Arm Bar (+3 stages in D, anger +1)
x3 Orange Hip Throw (+2 stages in D, anger +1)
x1 Goku's Dashing Puch (8 stages in D, lower opponents anger 0. Lim.1 per
Energy Attack cards-
x3 Orange Junction Energy Blast (+1 life card for each ally I have out)
x3 Orange Rage (NRG attack doing 5 cards in D. If you chose tokui-waza
anger +2)
x3 Orange Kamehemeha Attack (6 cards in D. -1 opponents anger)
x3 Orange Planet Destruction (5 life cards in D. opponents anger -1)
x1 The Luck Of Trunks (6 life cards in D. -2 opponents anger. lim.1 per
deck. remove from game afterwards)
x1 Trunks Makes Himself Clear (NRG attack. +2 your anger. -2 opponent's
anger. Lim.1 per deck. Remove from game.)
x1 Good Advice (8life cards in D. -3 Opponents anger. Lim.1 per deck.
Remove from game)
Physical Defense cards-
x3 Orange Fist Detonation (stops phys. attack. -1 opponents anger)
Energy Defense cards-
x3 Orange Resistance (stops an energy attack.next combat phase, pass or do
an NRG
x1 Goku's Energy Absorbtion (stops an energy attack. Pick 2 cards out of
discard pile and put on bottom of deck. Lim.1 per deck. Remove from game
Non-Combat cards-
x1 Goku's Ready (Search deck for a cardand put it face down until the
beginning of opponent's turn. Lim.1 per deck)
x1 Eyes of the Dragon (after a successful NRG attack, pick a dragonball
from your deck and capture a dragonball. Lim.1 per deck)
x1 Hero's Lucky Break (name a non-combat/non-dragonball card. search deck
for that card, lim.1 per deck)
x1 Vegeta Scans The City (Lower any MP level 2+. Can stop MP victory.
Remove From Game, lim.1 per deck.)
x3 Broken Scouter (go to highest power stage. Discard from game.)
lv.2 Trunks, the Swordsman (700,000-1,150,000)
CCP-your phys. attacks do +2 stages of D.
lv.2 Krillin Enraged (25,000-250,000)
P-Destructo-Disk NRG attack: 5 life cards in D.
lv.3 Gohan, the Fighter (120,000-300,000)
P-Defense Shield:stop first unstopped NRG attack on you when defending in
lv.2 Vegeta (4200-8700)
P-Saiyan NRG Blast: 3 life cards, cost only 1 stage.
lv.2 Bulma (500-1,400)
P-capture dragonball after a succsessful NRG attack.
lv.2 Chiaotzu (500-1400)
P-Blast NRG attack doing 6 life cards in D. Remove Chiaotzu from game.
lv.2 Yajarobe (500-1400)
P-NRG attack, cost 3 stages.
lv.2 Tien (500-1400)
P-Solar Flare NRG attack: if not blocked, opponent skips next attack phase.
lv.1 Dende the Unlikely Hero (500-1,400)
P-at end of a combat, put an ally from discard pile at 4 stages +0.
lv.1 Chi-Chi (100-1000)
P-Mother's Defense: once per combat, this blocks a phys. attack at Goku or
lv.1 Yamcha (100-1000)
P-Sprit Ball Energy Attack does 2 life cards in D.
Dragonball cards-
Namek Dragonball 1 (Draw til you have 3 cards in hand. Put top 2 cards of
your discard pile on bottom of deck.)
Namek Dragonball 2 (Reduce opponent's MP 1 personality lv.)
Namek Dragonball 3 (Draw 3 bottom cards of discard pile.)
Namek Dragonball 4 (Discard all opponent's Non-Combat/non-Dragonball cards
in play.)
Namek Dragonball 5 (Power up to full. +1 your anger. Place top 2 cards of
discard pile at bottom of deck.)
Namek Dragonball 6 (+2 your anger or -2 opponent's anger.)
Namek Dragonball 7 (Capture Dragonball.)
The only problems I can see with your deck is defense, you don't have enough. Defence cards are what will save you in the long run. Since your
playing an Orange Tokui-Waza deck, I suggest putting in around 3 Orange Fist
Catch (Android Saga), which stops a physical attacks and stays in play to be
used 1 more time this combat. Nappa's Physical Resistance (Saiyan Saga) is one of the best physical
defense cards in the game, since it prevents your opponent from using Physical attacks for the rest of combat. Some other good
defense cards are Chiaotzu's Psychic Halt (Trunks Saga) and Time Is A Warrior's Tool (Frieza Saga), both make your opponent only able to defend
for the rest of combat, which is amazing! Some other Energy Attacks I recomend are Orange Special Beam Cannon (Trunks Saga) which does 1 life card
for each power stage you are above 0 and costs 3 power stages to use. Another good Energy Attack is Krillin's Heat Seaking Blast (Trunks Saga)
which is an attack that cannot be stopped or prevented. I hope I helped you in some way or another.
- Crazy Man :)
