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Hi,i have never lost with this deck and i was hoping that with ur help it
would stay that way so gimme ideas heres the sweet ass deck:
power:energy attack doing 6 LC
ccp:frieza does 2 LC with every succesful energy and 2 PS with every
ccp:frieza does 2LC and 2PS with EVERY attack
Mastery black+toki-waza
3xBlack overpowering attack(+6 power stages cant perform physicals)
3xCaptain Ginyu moves to attack(+3 life cards anger+1)
3xhidden power level(power to full then physical)
2xgohan's ready(physical anger+1 lower there anger 3)
1xBlack side thrust(+3 search opponents deck and discard a card)
1xblack physical phocus(physical attack pay stages for the attack to do
plus stages)
1xRebellion(VILLANS ONLY physical doing +8)
3xBlack turning kick(5 life cards or stops physical anger+1)
3xBlack energy web(6 life cards stops energy's)
3xBalck fore Fist punch(6 life cards 3 power stages)
3xVegeta's Jolting Slash(4 life cards no physical attacks work on villians
lower anger 2)
2xKrillin's heat seeking balst(4 life cards cant be stopped)
1xstraining energy move(4 life cards cost 1 end combat)
1xtrunks makes himself clear(energy attack anger +2 lower 2)
1xLuck of Trunks(6 life cards lower anger 2)
1xGood adivce(8 life cards lower anger 3)
Energy Def:
3xYamcha's skillful defense(stop a physical or energy)
1xGoku's energy absorption(stops energy pick 2 cards from discard pile)
1xNappa's energy aura(stops all energys)
Physical Def:
2xBlack finger block(stop a physical gain 3 stages)
1xPiccolos physical defense(stop a physical gain 4)
1xVegeta's physical stance
1xNappa's physical resistance
1xChiatzou's psychic hault
2xandroid attack drill(extra life card with every attack)
1xKrillin's drill(extra life card with every attack)
1xJeice's style drill(stop first energy made on u)
1xBlack striking drill(2 extra stages with every physical)
1xBlack bear hug drill(2 extra stages with every physical)
1xBlack energy stamina drill(1 stage to do an energy attack)
3xFrieza smiles(stop all physicals or energy)
1xCell's Defense(stop all physicals or energy)
1xSuper Saiyan Effect(opponent cant perform physicals)
1xTime is a warriors tool(no attack will work against u)
1xCell's threatning position(lower opponent to its lv.1 stage)
3xTeaching the unteachable forces observation(opponent cant attack)
2xPower up the Most(power up to full take 2 discarded cards)
2xTien's Mental Conditioning(power up to full anger +1 take 1 discarded
1xSever Bruises(opponent cant gain anger till he puts drill in play)
1xFrieza is ready(double the number of life cards u recieved as damage)
1xForeboding Evidence(shuffle all combat cards back into deck if ur a
1xGoku's ready(search for a card and set it aside and use it on opponents
next turn)
1xT-rex offense(does extra life card with all attacks and stops an energy)
Earth DB's 3&5
Anyways my deck is quick to win if some decks are short on blocking.It is
very anti anger so i can beat anger decks easily and all my energy attacks
can steal DB's.I have a record time and turns taken of beating my friend's
anger deck(whom everyone had previously lost too)record time 2 minutes and
13 seconds it took 5 turns.I have gone to non-official tournaments and have
wiped out the compotition so if u see ANY MAJOR FLAWS PLZ TELL ME!!!!thank
u and have a wonderful day
This deck is truly amazing. The only flaws I can see with it is your Black Overpowering Attack (Trunks Saga) could get you into trouble. I would
replace it with either a Black Defensive Burst (Trunks Saga) which is a Physical attack that does 3 life cards of damage and, if successful, stops
your opponent from performing physcial attacks for the rest of combat.
Another card you could put in as a replacement would be Black Anger Stance
(Android Saga) which is another Physical Attack that does power stages of damage equal to the total anger of all players. Finally, the last card I
suggest as a replacement would be Black Draining Aura (Android Saga) which is a Physical attack that does 3 power stages of damage and raise your main
personality 5 power stages. And yes, Cell Saga cards are legal in
tournaments so far. I hope I helped in tinkering your deck to perfection.
- Crazy Man :)
