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Man's DBZ Deck Garage
From: Reynalopie
To: SuperCrazyMan
Subject: Krillin's Payback
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 00:33:42 EST
Make my deck win alot
counter physical attacks
I hate physical attacks like radtiz flying kick
Krillin LV:1 PUR:3
krillin enraged LV:2 PUR:4
Krillin the warrior LV:3 PUR:5
Krillin on namek LV:4 PUR:4
Krillin 1- Energy attack anger+1 anger-1
Krillin 2- Energy attack 5 life cards
Krillin 3- Physical attack at full power
Krillin 4- Energy attack +3power stages
hyperbolic time chamber x1 +1 stage +1lifecard
Winter countryside x1 one anger per card
Android attack drill x2 all attacks +1life card or +2 if android uses it
Orange aura drill x1 energy attacks +1 life cards Tokui-Waza +2
Orange off-balancing drill x1 stops the first physical attack
Orange lifting drill x1 other players cannot play drills
Vegeta's quickness drill x1 draw the bottom card
Orange Energy Dan Drill x1 discard one card from deck
Orange focusing drill x1 nothing can happen to my drills
Goku's capturing drill x1 No stolen dragon balls
Orange destruction drill x1 discard opponent's non-combats
Android 20 absorbing drill x1 stops energy attacks
orange body shifting drill x1 energy attacks cost 1 stage to use
Jeice's style drill x1 stops first energy attack
Orange energy phasing drill x1 remove non-combats from game
Physical attack
Orange searching maneuver x1 serach for any drill and put in play at end of
Energy attacks
Orange power ball x2 energy attack + x life cards x = personalty level
Orange special beam cannon x3 energy attack 1+ life card for each level
above 0
Frieza's aura shot x3 energy attack 6 life cards 7 if vegeta's quickness
drill is in play
Orange stare down x3 energy attack if tokui-waza remove ally or non-combat
from game
Physical defense
Chiaotzu' s Psychic halt x1 stops everything
Orange fist detonation x3 anger-1
Orange holding after takedown x3 anger-1
Orange shoulder throw x2 anger+1
Trunks swiftly moving x1 stops attack same one back
Energy defense
orange thumbs up x3 anger-1 blue life attack drill in play anger-2
Orange neck restraints x3 anger-1
orange resistance x3 stops energy attack makes one back
Tien's energy defense x1 prevents energy attack
Expectant trunks x3 pick energy or physical combat and put in hand
Cell smiles x3 pick a card from opponent's hand and suffles it back in life
Power up x3 5 stages and put top card in life deck
power up the most x1 power up full put two cards in life deck
Awful abrasions x1 anger to 0 cannot not go up until a dragonball is put in
Namek dragon ball wish x1 end combat put 3 cards back in life deck don't you just hate that x1 remove 2 non-combats from game
Hero's lucky break x1 name non-combat put in play
Goku's ready x1 put any card from life deck to play
Time is a warrior's tool x1 stops all attacks
Vegeta scans the city x1 lower opponent's personality level or prevents win
Foreboding evidence x1 Hero put 3 non-combats on top of deck villain suffle
all combat cards in deck
Goku's Heart Disease x1 anger to 0 cannot raise anger until ally is put in
play Ally's
Super Saiyan gohan LV 1 x1 when entering combat as the attacker draw a card
425,000-1,100,000 PUR 1
Gohan the fighter LV 2 Defense shield stops first unstoped attack
120,000-300,000 PUR 2
Super Saiyan Goku LV 1 muti style drills can be used
300,000-1,200,000 PUR 1
PS: Please make this deck good ;stupid Physical attacks
Well, if you hate physical attacks, then your absolutely going to hate the
Cell Saga. I just got the Physical Attack table last week and it's awesome!
The most damage you can do with your Krillin personality can do is 4 damage (Super Saiyan Gohan and Super Saiyan Goku can do a maximum of 6). A
personality, like the new Android 16 (Cell Saga) personality is going to walk all over your deck, since his Stage 1 never leaves the
1,000,000-1,999,000 catagory, his Stage 2 never leaves the 2,000,000-2,999,000
catagory, and his Stage 3 never leaves the 3,000,000-3,999,000 catagory (unless he is at 0).
Another problem you might have is the new personality level, Stage 5. Luckely, as of right now, there
is only 4 personality's that have a Stage 5 card, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, &
Cell. Sorry about blabbering on. Now to talk about your deck. First off, you
might want to try to get a hold of an Orange Style Mastery (Trunks Saga or Cell Saga, it does'nt matter, both are good) to add to your deck. And, I
know you hate physical attacks, but they are neccessary in every deck. Why? Let's say your facing an opponent using your Krillin's Revenge deck and he
play's Nappa's Energy Aura (Saiyan Saga), which makes you unable to perform
Energy attacks for the rest of combat. Then that make you unable to attack since you only have 1 Physical Attack card in your deck.
You should put some Physical Attacks in your deck, like Orange Arm Bar (Saiyan Saga), which does
+3 stages of damage and raises your anger 1. Another good Physical attack,
especially for Energy decks is Orange Dashing Gut Punch (Trunks Saga), which
is raises your main personality 3 power stages. Orange Straight Punch (Trunks Saga) does +4 power stages and costs you 1 power stage to use, plus
there relativly easy to find (Trunks Saga Starter Decks Mainly). The last Physical attack card I am going to suggest is Tien's Physical Attack
(Saiyan Saga) which does 5 life cards. I would also suggest putting in more defence,
both Energy and Physical. You should put in 1 Nappa's Physical Resistance (Saiyan Saga) which prevents your opponent from using Physical attacks for
the rest of combat, and 1 Nappa's Energy Aura (Saiyan Saga) which does the same thing only stops all Energy attacks instead of Physical.
You should try to get some Orange Fist Catch (Android Saga), this card stops a physical
attack and if you declared Tokui-Waza then it's stays in play to be used one
more time this combat. So, the only things I can see wrong with this deck is
your Main Personality, you need an Orange Style Mastery card, you need more Physical attacks, and more defence, both Physical and Energy. I hope I
helped you in some way or another.
- Crazy Man :)
P.S.: Keep tinkering with your deck until you get it just right.
