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Broly Movie Review
1.6.06 -
By SuperSaiyanTrunks
I was gone. But I’m back now!
Anyway, we got yet another Broly review.
Here is what it says on the back of the DVD-
“Broly is back! And this time a case of mistaken identity
might be the end of the planet!
It is true that Broly perished in a battle against Goku and
his sons. But a sinister conjurer has reincarnated the
Legendary Super Saiyan thanks to the vast wealth of Lord
Jaguar, a tyrant with his own devious plan for revenge. Now
two brilliant criminal geniuses guide the blind rage of
Broly! Their ultimate goal: total domination over planet
But can Brolly really be controlled? The world will soon
find out as the most powerful Saiyan in history is unleashed
with incredible new powers! Never before has this unholy
trinity of power, corruption, and technology created such a
devastating force. The day of reckoning is at hand!”
Well, Hercules old training partner, Jaguar, has tried to
get him to come and get a rematch. But, before that, Android
18 is their trying to get her money from Hercule for her
throwing that Tournament away. Hercule, as always is making
up excuses to get out of it, but Android 18 wants her money
now. When one of Jaguars henchmen comes and gives Hercule
the invite, he accepts… but he takes Android 18 with him.
For MORE money!
Little does each of them know, Goten and Trunks come along
Jaguar sends his warriors to fight Hercule, and Hercule,
being the wimp that he is, has Android 18 fight all of them…
and more money for her too. Goten and Trunks also jump in to
get a piece of the action too.
But when it comes to summon Broly, Goten and Trunks get
nervous. Android 18 doesn’t know who Broly is, so she jumps
in and trys to stop him.
Pretty much after that, Broly evolves with incredible power,
and the Z-Warriors can’t stop him.
But when the lab starts to explode, they know there in
trouble. It is then the Z-Warriors find out what Broly’s
weakness is – WATER!
The ooze that was all over Broly turns to stone when it hits
water. When Broly explodes out of the water, and then turns
to stone, Krillin, Trunks and Goten each use the Kamahamaha
and finally destroy Broly for good. But there is still the
matter of saving the island – the ooze is still running down
from it. So the three warriors use the Kamahamaha again,
spreading water all over the island, so thus it is saved.
For once, we get a movie where Gohan or Goku doesn’t save
the day!
All in all, this was a pretty good move.
Final Score- 4/5
Questions? Email me at
I’ll try to be more efficient when writing articles, so
please bare with me