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3 DBZ Game
Review's in one
3.08.05 -
By SuperSaiyanTrunks
guys, today, I’m going to write about the DBZ games, and
give a little summary about them. I may not list all of
them, so bare with me. I might do two, when I know what
games I forgot.
Lets start with the system games.
Dragonball Z Budokai. Platform; PlayStation 2, Nintendo
The first game to come out for the current systems, and not
a half bad game. It doesn’t have the kind of stuff like
Budokai 2 & 3 does, but it was better then most people
thought of it. It doesn’t have the game board or the ability
to fly around, basically, you just complete one story, and
save, and go on to the next. There’s 3 story’s: Saiyan,
Frizea, and Cell. (Android and Cell were all one story). It
followed the story line pretty well, but some time it got
out of hand. You beet the whole thing, then you could go
unlock extra story clips, two of my favorites were when if
you were Vegeta and you beet the Saiyan’s and the other
Z-Warriors take over the Earth and become a Super Saiyan.
The other one is when Cell (LV 2), was about to absorb
Android 18, but Krillin pushes her out of the way, and he
absorbs him instead. He looks like a Mini-Cell/Krillin. He’s
orange, small, and has a kind of Krillin looking face. When
he does that, Yamcha gets angry, and you just got to beet
him to win the mission. After you beet him, Cell wakes up
and realizes he was just having a dream. All in all, the
extra story’s are all “If the villains wins” kind of things.
I give Dragonball Z: Budokai a 7.5/10.
Dragonball Z Budokai 2. Platform; PlayStation2, Nintendo
The second game in the DBZ Budokai line, and of course, a
big improvement from the first. One of the things is that
they changed around the graphics. Some people were angry,
and disappointed in that, but Budokai 2 shocked everyone
like the first one. Some of the guys said it was too “cartoonish”,
but its really not. The way they made it, was, that they
drew it up on the computer, added color, and added all the
special effects to it. All the “big attacks”, like Trunks’
Burning Attacked was made great. (A personal favorite attack
with him ;-)) Then, Atari lets you get in the game with the
new game board type thing. You go on a board, pick some
ally’s, and go to the destination. You can either avoid
enemies, or you can just go and kick their butts. If your
really good a Budokai 1, then you’ll adapt quickly to this
one, and you’ll be really good. The hardest fight, I think,
is when you have to fight Kid Buu for the final time.
There’s a special way to get where he is, and you need to be
REALLY fast if you’re not Goku. But… I beat him down with
Trunks ;-). Two characters I recommend when you go fight Kid
Buu for the final time, you adomaticly get Goku, and then
chose Trunks and Vegeta for your allays. They’re just a
thought ;-).
I give Dragonball Z Budokai 2 an 8.4/10.
On to the final game – Dragonball Z Budokai 3. Of course,
this game was another step up on the DBZ game lines. If you
guys kept track, the first 2 DBZ Budokai games that came out
for the PS2 are now on GameCube. So, you guessed it, Budokai
3 well be hitting the GameCube later this fall. I’m pretty
sure that it will be released in either late October or
early November. Lets go on to some of the game play of this
One thing I am really happy about is that it lost its “Game
Board” area. I’m sure some of you are probably really upset,
but it just didn’t really go with me. I’m happy Atari made
it so you fly around. Also, on the map, you can get all
sorts of good items, and all good stuff. That’s how to get
the Dragonball’s, and that’s how I got Frieza’s and Cooler’s
Spaceship. (NOTE*** In order to get Cooler’s Spaceship,
there is a special way to get it. If you want to find out,
email me). It’s also got a great selection of characters.
The characters that are still gone are: Zarbon, Dodoria, and
Android 19. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s what I
remember right now. Characters that were added are: Broly,
Saibamen, Cell Jr., Bardock, Omega Shenron, Uub and Cooler.
Another cool thing is, Frieza and Cell have to transform
again. Frieza has some new forms to get. Cell has his old
forms again, which is really cool. It still has the
cartoonie graphics, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a really
good game that makes you THINK on how to get these
characters. Pretty much, you got to do a few things in order
before you unlock a person. It’s a really good game, even
after you beet it, its still fun t just go back and fight
some more, and also fun to fight your friends.
I give Dragonball Z Budokai 3 a 10/10.
Questions? Email me at